11.9km depth
10.2km depth
2 blocks from each other but just north of the Long Beach Port. 10km depth, DUMB action.?
looks like a major D.U.M.B. was just taken offline
4.3 is directly under Avalon Blvd which south dead ends into the port of Long Beach.
Should follow dutchsense on youtube for earthquakes, he will point every single one out at all times, makes it much easier to spot patterns.
From 17s mouth to you.
Thanks for the post. Please let us know if the manholes start bubbling.
There was just that com about should have gone to the beach and dumb from the real potus.
Dumbs or something on the cargo ships?
Or just California geological stuff like every other day
I live in downtown Long Beach and felt these last night. The first one was a big jolt followed by some steady rumbling. It was pretty strange.