Texans, call your representative and tell them to support HB 93 introduced yesterday 9/21 in the legislative session 3 to ban Vaccine mandates for private employers in the state of Texas. Also tell them to strengthen the bill text to include a provision to deny the businesses permits for operating business in TX.
Bill information: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=873&Bill=HB93
Find your representative: https://www.house.texas.gov/members/find-your-representative/
Bill Text: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/873/billtext/pdf/HB00093I.pdf
Spread the word.
Edit: Also reach out to Abbott's office since he heavily controls what is put on the agenda.
Abbott's office: https://gov.texas.gov/contact
It needs a better penalty for the employer. It only withholds contracts for state funds if violated. What about companies that don’t receive state funds?
This bill specifically only covers COVID-19, so it's only going to be useful for a limited period of time, until they push the next health scare on us.
They need to remove the COVID-19 language and amend it to include ALL vaccines. NO MANDATES FOR ANY VACCINE EVER AGAIN. PERIOD.
The fucks who are doing this to us have been doing it for years and they'll do it again. Did we forget history already?