Yesterday, I missed something...but this morning I'm dancing with glee.
Many of us (myself included) watched the presentations while yelling at the screen to 'Hurry up and Drop the Bombs!'
That pent-up energy comes from two places.
First, we want to see justice done.
Second, we want to see all the proof clearly laid out in order to confirm our theories.
And that's the important part --- we still have theories.
But there is one (small) group out there that really knows what happened - and they were the audience for yesterday's presentation.
The criminals that actually committed the crime know exactly what they did.
They already knew that the ballot counts would be (approximately) correct. (Because they had slipped in enough fake ballots to match the computer flip.)
But the presentation told them that the paper analysis is still coming, and the microscope cameras could easily pick up the difference between ballots filled in by pen or simply printed by a laser printer. (Therefore, the fake ballots have already been caught...)
The presentation told them that they were able to identify the exact person that wiped the election database (the day before the audit started). That person likely thought that they were completely untraceable (because everyone used the same login). Yesterday, they found out that the audit caught them individually.
I suspect that every single person that thought they were untraceable had a rough time sleeping last night. For two reasons...
First, the thought of going to prison.
Second, because they are now a 'low-level loose end' for some very dangerous people.
Suicide weekend? Will some people take the easy way out? Will some people be 'disposed of'?
Last but not least - this crime was coordinated over several states. The criminals in those other states now know that the audits can catch them.
If you view yesterday's presentation as if you were one of the criminals, you'll have a very different perspective.
I suspect the 'Witness Protection Hotline' might see some action this weekend...
i noticed the guy that said they could identify the people that wiped the files got kind of choked up when the crowd started cheering. knowing all his hard work was much appreciated he got very emotional.
maybee it was me but i havent re watched any of it yet
i have a hopium hangover from yesterday
I missed that reaction. I'm going to have to go back and watch that.
If you have watched it, can I ask you to post a link to the presentation?
The applause is shortly after the 2:12:00 mark
Thank you. I appreciate it very much.
Let's hope, then, that there is some sort of 'plan' in place to bring the overlords to justice.
it was definitely a mega dose of hopium when he said that like such a huge gamechanger having the security footage
My first sticky!
'I'd like to thank the Academy...'
{Rubber stamps paper} "Verified and approved."
Hey! Why does that stamp show up below the triangles?
Because it is not a triangle, it's a pyramid. And all is below the Great Pyramid. And now you have been illuminated with the wisdom of the 33 owls. That is why, my disciple. Now go and repent at the temple for your sin of questioning.
KEK! Take yourself a billion out of petty cash
There's a petty cash box in here?
And ur updoots sit at 17.... I cannot
Damn good post. Well thought out and clearly written.
I for one am sure what you are saying is true.
This is an archetypical Trumpian plan to force the criminals to into confessions and bring down all their accomplices.
Let the enemy defeat himself.
Very thoughtful and insightful analysis. Thanks for posting.
I think that when all of this is over, this country might have the political will to impose very stiff penalties for even the smallest of election-related crimes. We have learned what a stolen election can lead to.
I hope this is true. Although the evidence delivered yesterday was shocking to me, people there were subdued. I was disappointed by this. The county obstructed the lawful audit so very much that I really don’t have much hope.
The deaths of 13 of our military people, for starters.
Remember last year when an anon posted the google search results for “Treason” and it had EXPLODED in searches lmmaaaoooooo
Correct. Yesterday was the beginning of Act III.
There is something else I keep thinking about that I don't see people mentioning. It's how big a deal Dr. Shiva made of the fact that he set the bar SO LOW on signature matching. He was literally accepting signatures that were basically a slash in the box. Imagine the actual number of fraudulent votes if he included what in reality are NOT signatures at all!
For real. This was absolutely the best case scenario for signatures. Even the blank one's with the approved stamp in the signature box were counted as valid. That 95% of these 0-1% blank sigs came in after the election vs. 5% before shows us exactly when the fraud occurred. Trump was ahead by more than they expected. and they had to dump these fake ballots all at once.
Well another explanation tho, not to doom, is that Trump voters are informed and responsible and take voting seriously while Biden voters are retarded herd animals and illiterates who waited until prodded at the last minute. The media will blame it on racism and minority lack of access and other such stupid and patronizing infantilizing shit
I agree, I thought that putting the bar so low was acquiescing to the left’s narrative that many people of color don’t have Identification or know how to sign their name. Perhaps that could be said for illegal aliens. I worked for a company that worked hard to translate our materials in spanish to inform the immigrant community. I remember my boss’s face when he was told by a person knowledgeable about the immigrants, that many could not read or write in their native language. We scaled materials back & got an interpreter.
I can vouch for some of that regarding not able to read/write their native language. As a retired teacher of 42 years, we began getting more and more children that were ESL (English as a second lang.) These children could speak/understand Spanish from their parents/family, but were unable to read or write any of it. Being intergrated into American schools, they were learning to read/write English. Sadly when many of the children reach past the Primary grades, parents were unable to help their kids with homework or study for tests because the parents English was very limited. This was seen more with the mothers having limited language where as the fathers were a "bit" more proficient.
What last minute prodding? The media cattle prodded the public for over four years straight. Any more and they'd be dying. Oh.... Wait.
Shiva exhibited long range planning and gamesmanship. 👏🏻
That this audit even happened is quite stunning. Given the depth of the cabal's control and influence, it shouldn't have. And, it looks like more to come.
It's as if an invisible hand is pushing things to go a certain way. And the cabal is not that invisible hand.
General Flynn has said that 'their' intention was that the election would be water under the bridge by March this past year. Yet here we are almost a year later not only still talking about it, but seeing moves to get to the bottom of it.
This is a critical point. It’s a pity the result released yesterday was watered-down, particularly with respect to the kinematic artifact detection, but a true audit was done. Our side has the receipts. And they will be released. No way this happens unless cabal’s control has been at least partially eroded.
Maybe the Patriots really are in control after all! 😉
If they die from guilt or Killary whacking them I'm OK with it. Saves us Time & Money WINNNIIINNNNG u/#Mjpopcorn
It would be nice, however, to have a few of them remain to tell the inside story.
Who knows? Perhaps some of them made recordings of the operation as 'insurance'...
Zaklee. You know some of them were smart enough to cover their asses with a bit of insurance. The infighting and finger pointing and back stabbing will be glorious!
Remember kids: The deal is only on the table until the first guy takes it...
Spelling nazis prefer "Eggs Ackley".
Old non-PC joke: A woman goes to the doctor complaining about not getting second dates. The doctor gives her a full physical, head to toe, inside and out. Finally he tells her that she has the worst case of "zackleys" he's ever seen. She asks him what that is. The doctor says that her pussy smells "zackley" like her asshole.
That was rolling on the floor hilarious the first time I heard it back in the 70s. :)
That's racist!
Recordings would force me to get the tendies out for a real party.
No no no, we need them to turn as witnesses, at least some.
Now, if some of the higher ups want to go ahead as long as not all, I’m ok with that.
Imagine racing to not be the last guy to off himself.
They made a big deal out of the anonymous logins and default passwords. They did say they had the IP addresses though and from there they can prove there was remote login and when they cross reference these IP’s will have a very high hit rate on exactly who those remote machines belonged to. Exactly the way they know who each one of us are. Splunk logs will provide additional details and isolate the nefarious activity from normal.
I suspect that Maricopa will go back on their deal to turn over that data (unless the data has already been turned over).
I imagine they can get it regardless, if the right people are in charge via monitoring before, during & after the election.
These things had WiFi cards manually installed & automatically connected to the internet once turned on.
Remember how Dominion shouted over & over that there was no way they could be online?
This is just one of so many things brought forth. Hang em high.
I suspect they already have it.
Maybe the FBI can do any early morning raid a la Roger Stone? Oh, wait...
You mean I'm not really anonymous as SassyLass with my Express VPN? /s
Nope. You gotta go to the old internet tomes like Anonymouse.
Really good point! It sure will send panic thru the worker bee levels of this evil endeavor!! Thanks for shedding light!!!
Exactly. The proof isn't about over turning the election and reinstating Trump. This is about exposing loose ends and having proof for when Devolution concludes and it's revealed that Trump is still President.
Witness protection? Isn't it the FBI? That would make it the witness eradication program, wouldn't it? :)
Good point - and it brings up a very 'poetic' situation...
When the bad guys have successfully corrupted everything that upholds the law, well, then it really sucks for them when they actually need law enforcement to save themselves. :)
Great post, thank you
Witsec isn't US Marshals?
I addition to the great observations in this post, I think finding data from WA state and N Carolina is going to lead to audits there too - and so on and so on. I cant help but think that a lot has been going on in secret around the country, at least that is what I pray is happening.
That is freakishly weird. Unless they can change the titles on data files and run them as AZ ballots. There could be teams in blue states generating ballots for battleground states.
It had better. WA state elections are a cesspool.
I started giggling to myself when I read this line:
"Because they are now a 'low-level loose end' for some very dangerous people."
The bombs would not be the easiest to believe by the normies. If They came out and said 250,000 votes were printed in China it would be easy to dismiss that as conspiracy. They gave out more than enough actual hard evidence the election totals were not valid. They even showed how the election vote tallies could be very similar to the states “audit” but yet also make it easy to see how the totals mean nothing if the votes are not legitimate. There is a plan to all of this.
EDIT: Also if it was shown conclusively that China interfered in the election by injecting ballots that’s basically a declaration of war and carry great consequences far beyond the actual election. They were obviously not ready to take that step yet.
Good points.
Watch or download the full 4 hour audit video here:
Official Audit Documents:
Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for.
Very good question. I've been wondering that myself.
If you drive by Maricopa Elections Department building today, and they are frantically tearing out the drywall, it might give you a clue. :)
I like it a lot
Highly plausible fascinating analysis. 👏 went really well with my morning Joe
Well done Anon! Nice POV on the initial audit presentation!
They die when they start naming names and what they did. They won't be safe even in prison. That's my guess. So, suicide weekend it is.
This is the sort of jigsaw puzzle analysis i miss seeing. Great observations, OP. MAGA thumbs up!
Thanks for the comment. I also enjoy a good analysis.
I'm glad it was my turn to contribute.
Well done patriot 👏 That's an insight that will instill more hope in anyone who reads it. Thanks for sharing👊 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 👊
I am trying to tell my wife that this (the audit) was really the first shot! Patriots haven't spent much ammo until now! Why? THE TRUTH HURTS! From here on out, each shot fired will be hitting the target, even if we don't see it... The impact to the enemy is felt. The tide has turned, but remember my fellow patriots we are still in the fog of war! Keep the popcorn fresh!
low-level loose end
That was my first thought...
Arkancides incoming.
"Those[good] who know cannot sleep" post 586, takes on a whole new meaning. Notice "good" in kill brackets. So I guess Q was telling us there would be a time when it would apply to the evil ones. Hunters become the hunted.
Very interesting perspective!
I will add to it: Yes for criminals, and not just from Arizona, but from all other states. Imagine the amount of testimonies that the prosecutors will be able to start gathering. If anyone think why the Fake News lies so much about the audit - they're worried that those who participated in the fraud will start fricking now.
Yep! We have it all!!
Love it
Yes yes and yes
More audit reports to come per The America Project.
Next stage: around 300k ballots in question.
Final stage: "Maricopa, by law, uses Vote Secure ballot paper" "but you never ordered the paper or used the paper" special level Dominion employee access required to disable the "Vote Secure" paper requirement.
The 'Vote Secure' ballot paper issue is huge.
Out of 2.1 million ballots, not a single one was printed on the (required) 'Vote Secure' paper.
To me, that shows a premeditated, widespread, and orchestrated intent to defraud. (If you don't want your 'fake' ballots to stand out, then make sure that even the legit ballots are on the wrong paper.)
I wonder if this pattern will show up in other states...
I suspect the person on the video did not in fact purge the logs or any data from the machine. My bet is a that they booted the machine to allow remote access and someone from Dominion took control and deleted the files.
Point remains: they know who, and that person knows who/what, and the now there’s leverage to find out who/what.