The best way I can describe it based on what my father in law says is that it's completely relaxed. The majority don't have any issues with the passports, masks are still in place and the government is not really facing any criticism that opposes their tyranny. Most of them are supportive and demand more "action".
He is from a rural area outside of the capital of the country, Ottawa.
They had a protest a week ago at the capital but nothing since. No major or frankly minor push back.
This is exactly what I expected and posted about during their election night.
I feel bad for Canadian patriots. I don't think there is any hope for them.
I'm fascinated as to why Canada and Australia are so supportive of the tyranny and if not supportive, quiet about it.
I correlated it with the fact that you are part of the Commonwealth but the English have put up massive resistance and are now scrapping covidpass.
India is Commonwealth as well but they are going ivermectin and for the most part, ran off UN nonsense.
Canada especially is showing incredible docility.
Most people around here in Aus watch the MSM religiously, which is disgustingly one-sided and pro-government. The comments section usually has lots of comments calling out their propaganda but unfortunately they get drowned out by the sheep bleating "Baaa, just DO THE RIGHT THINGGGG, stay at home, get the jabbbbbb" They've done a brilliant job of brainwashing the masses. Our fluoridated water supply is probably helping their cause as well. It's a pretty lonely place atm if you have a functioning brain.
Regarding Canada and being passive - we are very tolerant and polite - we do not want to offend. Majority of people are either frightened to death of Covid or if not, going along out of respect for those that are frightened. Who wants to be labelled a covo idiot or a gramma killer. Everyone (almost) I know truly believes that taking the vaccine is “doing the right thing for the community” and vaccine passports will prevent spread and another lockdown. There is zero discussion regarding the matter - atleast that is what I find. It does vary by age group, but many liberal parents influence their kids. The only way this ends Is if there is “proof” that the vaccine has an alternative agenda and is not safe IMO.
It also seems that way to me regarding your situation. There are places in the US which are very similar in thinking. Oregen, NY City (not to the Canadian extent), Vermont etc. The only difference is that I find even "conservatives" in Canada, are generally liberal in their thought process. I think it's just a cultural thing.
The danger with being too polite or scared of the sheep getting offended is exactly this situation. No one speaks out cause the hive mind will stare at you lol
I've pondered that for a long time. On the surface, Canadians are very polite and like to follow the rules. The best answer I can think of is that Canadians (for whatever reason) are more susceptible to mass psychosis. It's very disturbing.
Well, I am doing my part. Been at most of the protests in Toronto that have been going on since April 2020 everywhere in Canada. Everyone who watches TV doesn’t even know that protests are happening! People are still surprised when I tell them. A lot of men and a few women give us the finger. Whatever. Insults from zombies don’t bother us. In fact, I get a kick out some people that push, push, push Covid and Vaccine lies in the general public, get out of cars with New York, Ohio, New Jersey, etc. plates on their cars! When we ask them why they have those license plates, they say, “Oh, I haven’t gotten around to changing them yet. WHERE IS YOUR MASK!”. Are we importing fucking assholes from the US now? We don’t want them. We have enough from everywhere else! Our media is 1000x worse than the US, BTW.
However, 7 of 10 people I talk to that are not surrounded by the zombies are happy to talk to someone not brain-dead. As for all the sheep-zombies or those that are brain dead, I have made a point, vehemently (!!!) of telling people about the three people I know that have died from the injection in the last month alone. I also tell them about the four others that are permanently debilitated. Then, since I have a big mouth, I tell them that the doctors they trusted (those quacks “trusting the science”, NOT the ones quitting or losing their jobs for speaking out), DID NOT BELIEVE two of them when they said that the vaccines were the only difference in their life, and that they should be investigated to check against systems like VAERS for similarities. One of them had such severe neurological pain, and his doctor just said it was “Anxiety” that he hung himself on September 4. A colleague of mine. Poor bloke. 😢.
I am no longer silent, polite, or accommodating of stupidity or idiocy. I am rebellious, dedicated to spreading truth, and am at a point where I have very little to lose. I find those that belittle, denounce, etc and are sheep, etc., often use their alphabet-people, religion or (sometimes) skin colour “glorified-status” to try and subdue those that speak truth, not rhetoric or propaganda. Many of those got that power from all the shit that happened in the states (ie Black Lives Matter ruling some US Cities, the wokeness of the US “government”). All the US bullshit have given more credence to those in Canada getting away with all their own crap. All of those, though, voted Liberal or NDP, I am assuming. I am, also, no longer silent with those that belittle Canadians. No Canadian is any more susceptible to the bullshit than any other citizen of any other country. We are just usually underestimated more.
Thanks for sharing. When people I talk to spew out propaganda, I ask them if they could share their data or studies with me that support their arguments. They never can.
I do not know anyone that's died from the shot or that has had serious side effects so I can't use my own experience in those discussions. I stick to the VAERS data and other data from around the world. It's how I convinced my sister not to take any boosters.
I have given up on some family and many friends. I've been at this too long and they're too brainwashed. Maybe I can help them when the truth is finally widely believed.