posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +46 / -2

To say America was free after the Revolution is objectively false. Slavery was still around and until that ended, America wasn't a truly free country. When we finally did right the wrongs of the past, albeit creating more wrongs in doing so, we finally became a free county in 1865. This didn't last long as we were soon gifted the Act of 1870/1871 (both go hand in hand) declaring America a corporation and changing the Constitution to the the Constitution OF the United States instead of FOR. This is very important and if you haven't researched it, I recommend you take the time:


Then comes the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 establishing the Third National Bank, our modern currency printing press making us all assets in the corporation and turning us all into debt slaves. Instead of literal chains we now have paper dollars that rule our life. Made up value that has no real power except of course that we all believe in it.

What does this have to do with things posted here? Everything. It is VERY likely that "the plan" includes nuking the Fed and if it doesn't, well this is something that NEEDS to happen regardless. Why? The USD is also known as the "world's reserve currency". This means that in order for other countries to trade goods with each other they must first convert their currencies into the USD. This is why third world countries struggle to compete in the world: they simply can't and are more or less prevented from growth because their fake dollars aren't recognized nor can the produce enough to make exchanges. This is why people hate America so much because from their perspective we're an evil empire controlling every aspect of the world's lives... well the reality is... that's completely true. Our government is corrupt and evil. And one of it's primary tools is the Federal Reserve. With it they've been able to keep us pacified on their tax plantation while also gripping the rest of the world by the balls. This is probably the most critical weapon in the Cabal's arsenal and it's likely to be dismantled soon.

Trump has signaled his desire on many occasions to go back to the Gold Standard. And inflation is pretty much out of control. The sings are there for total financial collapse. It's coming. And yes, the fallout will be catastrophic the transition may be rough, but you know as well as I that it is a necessary step into freeing the minds of people around the world. We aren't the only slaves bound to the Federal Reserve. Most of the world has been placed into the shackles of the USD. Everything we have been taught about economics was a lie. Scarcity is always propagated by those who control the resource. There is zero justification or reason for people to suffer as much as they have.

If you really believe in this mission, then you must understand the tyranny that the Federal Reserve represents along with all made up fiat currencies. All of the world's problems and suffering can be traced to the actions of the pedos in power. Their lies convinced us that we needed their comforts. We don't. They convinced us that we need money to matter. We don't. I want to be successful and retire wealthy like anyone else, but not at the expense of others. It is better to be poor and free than rich off the suffering of our fellow man. I spent years shilling for this system. I wonder what other lies they were telling us all these years to keep us compliant, but that is for another post. If you believe in freedom then you must stand against the tyrannical Federal Reserve.