BTW by the same token DO NOT visit a mental health professional during these times if you own guns. Sadly if you do they are going to note your "disorders" and the Fed Bois are going connect the dots and red flag you.
Instead if you are having some trouble in these terrible times, I recommend doing self-therapy. I simply cannot recommend this book highly enough, it completely changed my life. Dr. David Burns was one of the founders of cognitive behavior therapy, or in other word therapy that DOESN'T use the poison's from Big Pharma to achieve lasting healing from mental anguish.
Needless to say this type of therapy isn't popular anymore because it doesn't subscribe you to Big Pharma's health subscription where you can only achieve health by buying their pills.
Reject it all, the power to solve your mental health is in YOUR hands.
BTW by the same token DO NOT visit a mental health professional during these times if you own guns. Sadly if you do they are going to note your "disorders" and the Fed Bois are going connect the dots and red flag you.
Instead if you are having some trouble in these terrible times, I recommend doing self-therapy. I simply cannot recommend this book highly enough, it completely changed my life. Dr. David Burns was one of the founders of cognitive behavior therapy, or in other word therapy that DOESN'T use the poison's from Big Pharma to achieve lasting healing from mental anguish.
Needless to say this type of therapy isn't popular anymore because it doesn't subscribe you to Big Pharma's health subscription where you can only achieve health by buying their pills.
Reject it all, the power to solve your mental health is in YOUR hands.