I think it's fair to say that most of us our frustrated that the military hasn't stepped in with all the tribunals etc., but this isn't about us.
We have been asked not to be violent for a very good reason - it would mess up the plan. I think the whole point of it is to drive the normies into the position where they are ready to take up violence against the cabal and their minions.
Think about it. If we got violent, it would be just another thing the MSM could spin and use to control the normies, but if the normies look like they're about to get violent, then that would justify the military stepping in.
After all, when people are taken to the precipice they are capable of change.
I think it is our job, as anons, to assist in that process and I think the children are the key.
Most normies have accepted a huge amount of draconian bullshit with barely a bleat, even when they killed their parents and grandparents - but now they are going after the children and people are getting pissed.
IMHO we should be focussing our memes on drawing people's attention to everything that relates to the normies kids and the risks that are being taken with their lives and education.
I know pedes are already doing that, but we seem to be spread quite thinly. This is no longer about an election steal - they are trying to steal the children and their future. It's up to us to wake people up to that fact so that they can bring all their combined might into play.
Only then do I think the military will step in - when people demand it.
Just my 2c.
I find that cigar tubes are too thin and tend to collapse unless filled with something fairly solid.
Waaaaaayyy too much info :D