I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked yet they need to be gone. It's not a cheer for their death its a cheer for our deliverance. And if I remember correctly David a man after God's own heart nailed a giant dick head between the eyes and then cut his head off with his own sword.
I find it interesting that people want a bed of roses but don't want to bend their backs and dig.
And Christ said "who is my mother, my brother and my sister? Except he who hears the will of my Father and does it.
Depends on what you call a bed of roses. You mean to work for something. Like a house? A country? To win a war? If you have received the command and slay your enemies, I hope those commands come from the Lord above. I’m pretty sure they don’t. Those “roses” are worth nothing in God’s eyes. We are the value. Your brothers and sisters as well. But if slaying Goliath’s are your thing. I hope you have the Lord’s blessing, like David did. For me...I’ve fought my whole life, and what a waste of energy, and time that was. I’ve now have my bed of roses, I’ve already won. I just gotta stay with God. Stay in those footprints of Jesus as best I can. I see nowhere, where I’m asked to fight, hate, hurt my brother. Pray for them yes. Love them absolutely. I hope you find your peace. But I can assure you, you won’t receive any through vengeance, or hatred, or your plan. Keep God the focus, and off the problems of this world and man, you’ll easily win.
I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked yet they need to be gone. It's not a cheer for their death its a cheer for our deliverance. And if I remember correctly David a man after God's own heart nailed a giant dick head between the eyes and then cut his head off with his own sword.
I find it interesting that people want a bed of roses but don't want to bend their backs and dig.
And Christ said "who is my mother, my brother and my sister? Except he who hears the will of my Father and does it.
That's who my brothers and sisters are.
Depends on what you call a bed of roses. You mean to work for something. Like a house? A country? To win a war? If you have received the command and slay your enemies, I hope those commands come from the Lord above. I’m pretty sure they don’t. Those “roses” are worth nothing in God’s eyes. We are the value. Your brothers and sisters as well. But if slaying Goliath’s are your thing. I hope you have the Lord’s blessing, like David did. For me...I’ve fought my whole life, and what a waste of energy, and time that was. I’ve now have my bed of roses, I’ve already won. I just gotta stay with God. Stay in those footprints of Jesus as best I can. I see nowhere, where I’m asked to fight, hate, hurt my brother. Pray for them yes. Love them absolutely. I hope you find your peace. But I can assure you, you won’t receive any through vengeance, or hatred, or your plan. Keep God the focus, and off the problems of this world and man, you’ll easily win.
Peace brother.