Im sorry but surely you dont actually expect the little pussy to do something do ya? If he wanted to he couldnt.
This is all happening on such a far heavier scale than pencil dicks like this can do anything about its comical to even consider.
Besides he hates America, anything he does do will most certainly not be to help anything or anyone but the traitorous pieces of shit we are fighting against.
hes on maternity leave you bigots
I suggest Secretary Pete get off his ass and do something. Oh, and something good to actually help the country, not bad Communist shit.
Im sorry but surely you dont actually expect the little pussy to do something do ya? If he wanted to he couldnt. This is all happening on such a far heavier scale than pencil dicks like this can do anything about its comical to even consider. Besides he hates America, anything he does do will most certainly not be to help anything or anyone but the traitorous pieces of shit we are fighting against.
Well, he's been running trains all day, and has plenty of seamen standing by
Clever, gross but clever.