I have just listened to an interview with Alan Jones interviewing our new Premier of NSW. Alan is radio interviewer in Australia. He has been the voice on morning radio for over 20 years and was No.1 every survey every single time. He has taken down governments, stood with farmers, those losing their towns to international globalists, has been instrumental in battling climate change hoaxers and more than anything he believes in small government and freedom of speech. He has moved to SKY and his previous radio station has begged him to return. He is a great supporter of POTUS45 and around 2 months ago, he mentioned that Gladys ‘had lost the plot’ and I said to my husband, he’s hearing noise from inside cabinet that there were stirrings to remove her. He is the barometer of the people. He listens to us and passes on the feelings of the public to the party, or those that take the time to listen. He tried to tell Gladys, but she didn’t listen. The rest is history. It’s early days but the new Premier wants to open up NSW ASAP and it looks like he will do away with QR checkin codes.
Please note. Liberals in Australia are conservatives.
Wait n watch the covid numbers spike when the vaxed start moving around the city/suburbs.. I know there has been modelling showing a rise will occur as a result, but I suspect the rise will be much larger than expected (think what 85% Singapore is currently going through) and hoping this might wake up a few to ask what was the vax meant to achieve after all .. unless they double down on stupid (quite likely) and try to blame the unvaxxed who are still locked down, for the virus spreading.