From a book written in 1999:
Always remember things work together to bring forth that which was planned long ago, for God’s plans cannot be thwarted. The duration and complexity of events can be altered if there is a faltering of faith and action on the part of those that have been placed in stations of service. None are placed who do not have the ability to accomplish their missions. Some will falter and perhaps even fail. That, of course, is a possibility, but back- ups are in place and things will move forward in Divine Order. If you trust the knowledge that there is indeed an overall plan, a larger picture, and that it will succeed, then your own courage and faith will be less likely to falter. TRUST THE PLAN AND PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE DAY-TO-DAY DETAILS. THIS KNOWINGNESS WILL BE YOUR ROCK ON WHICH TO LEAN. YOUR TOUCHSTONE OF FAITH."
Edit:link may be corrupted? Here is an html link:
Can also be found on regular booksellers, and
Mind = blown
Same. I read this book 10 years ago and specifically picked it back up to try and connect it to Q and you can imagine my shock as I read that. Keep in mind it is the only sentence in the books that is capitalized as well.
I think they wanted to emphasize it
"Your constitution is no longer an effective shield and will be dissolved. But, that matters not. It is in assuming personal responsibility that when one accepts the challenge and does not fade in fear, others shall also come forth in like awareness and consciousness."
"Together this spreading group awareness shall provide the pivotal point that will bring an end to this situation."
Yeah, there won't be any dissolving of the Constitution, thanks. Everyone agrees it is not an effective shield RIGHT NOW, but there will be no dissolution of it, or of our Republic, or of our resolve to conserve these things.
I think that's what they meant. It is already dissolved now. Doesn't mean it won't make the most glorious comeback in history.
We also have to remember the scope of the plan is global, it isn't just the USA that needs this.
OK but I see the Q team and Trump as coming in to restore the Constitution to its rightful prominence, as it is still the supreme law of the land and always will be, as long as patriots have breath in their lungs.
Simply restoring the constitution I would argue is not enough.
As has been proven, America can be corrupted. The system we set up failed.
Simply restoring it does not prevent this from happening again.
The same way the founders devised the separation of powers and other things to prevent corruption, we may have to devise something new which is far more incorruptible than the previous.
I think the scope of the plan is such that simply restoring America isn't a permanent solution.
This could all fall under the devolution theory.
Think Isaac Kappy
could add many other brave souls to that list
I get "File not downloaded, potential security risk" when I try to download that PDF.
Oh I'm sorry I was just reading it from the site I didn't attempt to download.
I promise I was not aware of that, will update the link