I can't explain how I feel right now. Her and my son are a young couple w/only one baby girl, 2 yrs old. What about future babies? More importantly, what if this shot cripples or kills her? I just can't...
Honestly, I hate the people pushing this shit SO bad I can hardly stand it. Feel like I need to go on a walkabout or something. Just want to run. Hard.
Please pray for her. Pray for everybody who was coerced or manipulated into getting this shit and felt like they had no other options.
I feel your pain and anger. My daughter, SIL and GD got the shot and my daughter got the clots to prove it. She is still considering getting the 3rd,. God help us.
Some people have had seizures or heart trouble, and STILL took the 2nd jab. Of course, everything went South from then.