I think the primary plan is to prevent severe, irreparable damage through 2022, flip the house and senate, elect Trump speak, peach mint Biden, Harris will resign as it will turn out she was bought or controlled by the white hats making Trump the 47th President eligible to run in 2024.
I feel Devolution is a nuclear option and that Trump is in fact still President, but instead of serving a bullshit shortened second term or offsetting the election cycle the main plan is to publicly give him ten years, but having it still look legal. If you read Devolution closely you'll see Trump wants to embark on the path of least resistance. I do believe he wants 2020 fixed and things are happening to make it so. However I do think that the reveal is only happening if things actually do get very bad, which they are not yet
I think the primary plan is to prevent severe, irreparable damage through 2022, flip the house and senate, elect Trump speak, peach mint Biden, Harris will resign as it will turn out she was bought or controlled by the white hats making Trump the 47th President eligible to run in 2024.
I feel Devolution is a nuclear option and that Trump is in fact still President, but instead of serving a bullshit shortened second term or offsetting the election cycle the main plan is to publicly give him ten years, but having it still look legal. If you read Devolution closely you'll see Trump wants to embark on the path of least resistance. I do believe he wants 2020 fixed and things are happening to make it so. However I do think that the reveal is only happening if things actually do get very bad, which they are not yet
Trump recently made that statement about no republican is going to vote in 22 and we gotta fix 2020 first so I don't think that's part of the plan
Both can be apart of the same plan