Nornies will rationalize and adapt to everything.
Remember when Netflix made that pedo fantasy movie of those kids dancing all sexualized? You'd think something like that would cause these fucking shit head normies to lose it but they watched it and posted comments online then forgot about it.
Same shit is happening with this covid bullshit. The more the average faggot scans his little QR code the more they will adapt. Just wait till the QR code is integrated with their banking.
It'll be "itS sO CoNvenIEnt haha"
Yea. I'm at my boiling point and need a break but fuck em all. Fuck em all.
Except the MSM would frame it 'saves 3 out of 4 lives' because that sounds better.
''Thems wud be even deader if thems dint get tha vaxin.'' (by this point all recipients are disintegrating)
I have handed out a lot of flyers trying to wake people up. I am amazed at the amount of bullshit that some people will put up with. I joke that some Americans would hand the executioner the 9mm round that he dropped on the ground since they are already on their knees. The stupidity of some people amaze me. I know us at the GA are not supposed to be petty and gloat, but its hard to control myself sometimes!
Judge not the lost. They know not what they do. Let the dead bury the dead, for only then will they learn their folly....
More! MORE!
"The vaccines are DESIGNED TO KILL YOU!"
The vaccines GIVE YOU AIDS!"
How far do we have to go before they wake up?
The vast majority won't. And I say good riddance.
A surprising number of those I know who have been vaxxed are decent, non-Woke people with families and jobs, who caved to the vax pressure so they could continue working and supporting their families or be able to visit loved ones in the hospital or whatnot. They were lied to at every step by the MSM, by their own doctors, by the government . . . these people are victims, not our enemies. People have different interests and a great many decent, kind, and often Trump-supporting Americans have been deceived and/or coerced into accepting the vaccine in part because they don't have the political interests that you and I do.
Plenty of Wokesters won't be missed, true. -- The ones who can't or won't wake from their hellish internal dreamworld, anyway. But not all of those vaxxed deserve our scorn.