Are you ready for Biden’s “dark winter” (as he put it)? Water, canned/pouched food, hygiene products, pet supplies, heating supplies, blankets, warm clothing, 2A, radios/comms, generators. Get ready bois. Maybe get extra stuff for those lefties who wake up but didn’t prepare. Forgive and help them.

They want panic.
These stories are just a repeat of the Toilet Paper shortage.
It's artificially making a minor shortage a massive shortage.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy built on deceit and manipulation.
Don't be part of the problem. You should have stocked up when you had the chance. If you go out now and buy everything in sight, you'll only be feeding their chaos narrative and dragging out the shortages.
If everyone walks out of a burning theatre instead of panicking and causing a stampede, no one trips, no one blocks the doors, and no one has to die.
Because of the idiots who act that way, the rational ones must follow suit or else be SOL when the idiots run the supplies dry.
I stocked up starting 2 months ago when all the signs were pointing to this moment
I live in a moderately sized city and pretty much every shelf of every store I frequent are always fully stocked. I don't think hoarding food and ammo is going to be necessary for this storm. I feel like that's just fear mongering.
It seems unlikely that the Q plan would require a person to be a heavy prepper in order to survive. If that's the case many millions would die.
I know there is a shortage. Some of my grocer's staples are missing like corn chips and onions.
They can't base a panic on nothing, they have to have something to spark the fire.
Trump did put out the EO declaring September as National Preparedness Month and it was echoed by Q.
We are in for a minor shortage, but not a big one. The spark is the controlled shipping crisis and the forced government destruction of farmer's crops. The flames will only propagate if people fall for the bait.
The more that people flip the hell out, the worse the chaos will get.
It shouldn't take more than a couple weeks to a month for the market to return to normal from where we currently are (assuming "normal" is the best we can do if the good guys win).
If it does take longer than that, I doubt we'd even have the opportunity to use anything we've stored up after they take us to the gulags or burn our houses down and butcher us with drones because we won't get on the cattle cars...
This is war. If the good guys lose, the bad guys won't simply abide and let us fend for ourselves. They'll kill us.
They'll try, and probably succeed in killing lots. But we'll take many of the bastards down with us. As many as we can.
ah,,,more fear porn.
It is manufactured shortages, but it will still be hard to find things. Just because you know it's fake, doesn't mean others will make it happen by panic buying.
You don’t believe those ships and trucks crowded at the ports going nowhere are real?
Edit: I’m certainly not suggesting any “panic buying” or anything else irrational. Just cautioning for roughness ahead. Chill and just be smart, mmkay?
Time to "Richard Rahl" it ourselves and start moving product from A to B.
Whether we do it "legally" or not.
Shit needs to get places. Who's with me?
Think about solutions, not the problems.
Glow, much?
Lol, I wish! They have good insurance.
Seriously though, if things keep going this way, you're going to see people loading up their pickups to drive stuff to destinations (or non cdl drivers driving semi trucks, fmcsa be dammed).
It's the American way. Want something done right? Gotta do it yourself.
I have TP (from China) and bottles of Everclear for the lefties that wake up during the event.
I thought the lefties only drank whine?
Oh for fucks sake!
I'm sure hoarding and panic purchases made Dunkin' Donuts out of stock.
Because I know when I panic buy, I'm looking to purchase perishable carbohydrates, instead of shelf stable proteins...
It's not panic buying. It's common sense purchases to have some back up supplies.
Backup Donuts? That's all I'm saying...
We have a big garden. Every year. We can, freeze, and freeze dry foods all the time. Meats included. Have been for a long time now. Other things I have been buying regularly for a while now. Ammo too. We're ready.
Yea, that is just part of the script. it helps to gin up the panic.
My home is 550 sq ft, small I know and just what i was looking for. I've gotten quite creative stashing enough food for 2 months as well as other necessities. It can be done.
Bidumb used the same wording almost exactly one year ago, on October 22 during a presidential debate.
Every promo Item I order is late by a week, but it’s crap from China. Not essential food or other supplies my family needs. Just work crap I have to order.
By lowering their standards, according to cuntface commie jen psaki.
You can buy a bag of rice that sites on the bottom of your pantry and that gets you some food stability right there.
Buy a few extra cans of stuff and rotate it out. Everyone can stockpile a few days of extra food for an emergency. Then grow it from there until you have a few weeks worth.
I’m sorry today, but lefties can suffer the consequences of their own stupidity.
They already had a practice run in the UK. Quite suddenly, the media was 24/7 about the run on products and petro. Politowhores were lined up for the TV to implore people to not panic. A wave of panic buying was the obvious result and the shelves were bare.
My friends found their diets more constrained for a few weeks and then it passed.
I'm not saying that we will get off that easy. Seems that they would amp up their game for the US. I bet it's a couple hard months.