DWACU https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacu
Born on 9/3/2021 Stock price $10.17
DWACW https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwacw
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $0.51
DWAC https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/dwac
Born on 9/30/2021 Stock price $10.50
From a fiduciary investment advisor: never put all your eggs in one stock/basket. 5% at most of your entire portfolio should be in just one position.
How about being 95% in GME. Tell me your thoughts on that.
I have 5% in GME myself. No one knows when the short squeeze will come/if it will come (there was a day when it shot up to $400 a share and many believe that was the squeeze).
I’d put most of that 95% in gold, silver, Bitcoin, REITS, & TIPS.
I’m a series 65 licensed fiduciary advisor so I can confidently and legally tell you this.
Anyone who knows anything about what's going on with GME knows that wasn't the squeeze lol
I hope you’re right, but knowing what I know about how shady these guys are Wall Street will most likely find a way to protect themselves at all costs.