I came to a belief in a higher power when I got sober many years ago, it gradually grew in me. I came to see that my life had been a total disaster and that I had been serving other spirits. So I was already of a spiritual nature when I first found Q and was receptive to the spiritual side of this phenomenon and movement.
God's power is everywhere. Continue in your faith. It really is quite insane how very real, how very relevant, how very in-your-face it all is. I can't even begin to describe, though I can answer questions. There once was a time when I did not believe God
surely existed. Now I am not sure if anything exists OTHER than God, I am so very surrounded by His power, His love, and His words.
I came to a belief in a higher power when I got sober many years ago, it gradually grew in me. I came to see that my life had been a total disaster and that I had been serving other spirits. So I was already of a spiritual nature when I first found Q and was receptive to the spiritual side of this phenomenon and movement.
God's power is everywhere. Continue in your faith. It really is quite insane how very real, how very relevant, how very in-your-face it all is. I can't even begin to describe, though I can answer questions. There once was a time when I did not believe God surely existed. Now I am not sure if anything exists OTHER than God, I am so very surrounded by His power, His love, and His words.