Yes but do we really want to tell individuals or private businesses the terms they can require? There’s individual freedom at risk here because if there’s a private company that wants to enforce mask mandates but the public uses laws to force them to practice how the public wants, what’s to stop democrats from saying now the public is requiring companies to deliver these services, in these ways. Now you can’t fire a drug addict no matter how much he misses work. You are required to hire this person now and you have no choice in how you want to run your business. Your business is now controlled by the public.
I don't want to dictate a private business' requirements. If a business wants everyone inside to be masked, they can say so. If a private business only wants to cater to whites, blacks, or members of a religion, sure. If a private business says all women who enter have to wear diapers, I don't really care.
But this is dependent on government staying out of it. If businesses require something pushed by any government entity that isn't a law, there is a problem. This isn't the only case-often stores have "no guns allowed" signs because they're renting from city-run plazas that require it for insurance or other government-pushed reasons, making carrying a firearm effectively illegal without making it directly illegal.
Government shouldn't direct businesses. If businesses conflict with our rights because government's hands are in the cookie jar, businesses ethically lose some of that protection. It is only when businesses independently conflict with our rights that "love and let live" can apply. Furthermore, it may possibly be a case to make that rather than using businesses as proxies to push mandates, government may have a role in reigning businesses if they collectively restrict a right.
For instance, if having a firearm anywhere is impossible because it is perfectly legal, yet almost universally unallowed by individual businesses, it may be a discussion that government-rather than engineering this scenario-has a role in doing g the opposite and breaking it up. But that there is only an idea, not something I necessarily think is right.
Right is right, wrong is wrong. The public is requiring companies to deliver WHAT services? Any business thrives or dies according to how well it meets the needs and desires of the public who buy their wares.
You are conflating government interference with satisfying public needs and / or wants. You might want to rethink your comments.
I’m happy to rethink or debate things. I’m not always right in fact I get in trouble a lot for not towing the narrative. I like being able to ask questions.
Yes but do we really want to tell individuals or private businesses the terms they can require? There’s individual freedom at risk here because if there’s a private company that wants to enforce mask mandates but the public uses laws to force them to practice how the public wants, what’s to stop democrats from saying now the public is requiring companies to deliver these services, in these ways. Now you can’t fire a drug addict no matter how much he misses work. You are required to hire this person now and you have no choice in how you want to run your business. Your business is now controlled by the public.
This doesn’t sit well with me.
I don't want to dictate a private business' requirements. If a business wants everyone inside to be masked, they can say so. If a private business only wants to cater to whites, blacks, or members of a religion, sure. If a private business says all women who enter have to wear diapers, I don't really care.
But this is dependent on government staying out of it. If businesses require something pushed by any government entity that isn't a law, there is a problem. This isn't the only case-often stores have "no guns allowed" signs because they're renting from city-run plazas that require it for insurance or other government-pushed reasons, making carrying a firearm effectively illegal without making it directly illegal.
Government shouldn't direct businesses. If businesses conflict with our rights because government's hands are in the cookie jar, businesses ethically lose some of that protection. It is only when businesses independently conflict with our rights that "love and let live" can apply. Furthermore, it may possibly be a case to make that rather than using businesses as proxies to push mandates, government may have a role in reigning businesses if they collectively restrict a right.
For instance, if having a firearm anywhere is impossible because it is perfectly legal, yet almost universally unallowed by individual businesses, it may be a discussion that government-rather than engineering this scenario-has a role in doing g the opposite and breaking it up. But that there is only an idea, not something I necessarily think is right.
Right is right, wrong is wrong. The public is requiring companies to deliver WHAT services? Any business thrives or dies according to how well it meets the needs and desires of the public who buy their wares.
You are conflating government interference with satisfying public needs and / or wants. You might want to rethink your comments.
I’m happy to rethink or debate things. I’m not always right in fact I get in trouble a lot for not towing the narrative. I like being able to ask questions.
I respect your right to ask questions and I love it when an actual conversation takes place.