To me Jesus was human and although very special nothing compares to the universal god. I have always been suspicious of worldly or human gods.
If Jesus Christ does in fact reflect this universal god then may he be the truth. Unfortunately as we have all seen the powerful ones who control us and have been controlling us are very good hiding and changing our history. Be careful of the tricks of the unspoken one.
You are very misguided, as are all atheists. Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, died on the cross and arose after three days and now sits at the right hand of God. Seek Him, accept Him by faith and follow Him. God bless you.
To me Jesus was human and although very special nothing compares to the universal god. I have always been suspicious of worldly or human gods. If Jesus Christ does in fact reflect this universal god then may he be the truth. Unfortunately as we have all seen the powerful ones who control us and have been controlling us are very good hiding and changing our history. Be careful of the tricks of the unspoken one.
You are very misguided, as are all atheists. Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, died on the cross and arose after three days and now sits at the right hand of God. Seek Him, accept Him by faith and follow Him. God bless you.
Atheist believe there is defiantly no god. I am the polar opposite.
You should research the pagan Egyptian god Osiris (Jupiter) and about his so called rebirth to become Amen - Ra. This parallels the story of Jesus.
Understand I only know of these evil ancient religions to warn against them. As they are just worship of worldly idols.
Get lost - I'm done with you.
Apologies for ruffing your feathers. If Jesus Christ is your path to god then that is great. I am jealous of your path if anything.