It likely could be due to boosters because sickness was making the rounds when the first salvo of shots happened earlier this year. The reason why I am leaning towards the possibility of bioattack is because all the vaxxidiots who were bragging at the beginning of the year are saying nothing about the boosters now. Now nobody is talking about COVID except us unvaxxed bantering about the stupidness of it all. I live in a super red area in a super blue state and am likely a paranoid, so that is why I am biased to say "these fuckers are attacking us", but I am open to it all being the fault of the boosters if not a combination of the two.
Looks like the unvaxxed are catching it from the vaxxed.
It likely could be due to boosters because sickness was making the rounds when the first salvo of shots happened earlier this year. The reason why I am leaning towards the possibility of bioattack is because all the vaxxidiots who were bragging at the beginning of the year are saying nothing about the boosters now. Now nobody is talking about COVID except us unvaxxed bantering about the stupidness of it all. I live in a super red area in a super blue state and am likely a paranoid, so that is why I am biased to say "these fuckers are attacking us", but I am open to it all being the fault of the boosters if not a combination of the two.