As discussed last week, the wife went ahead and got the Jab on Saturday against my wishes. Since, we have tried to give each other optimal space. I have noticed changes in my body since. I feel lethargic, like a quarter of my energy has been sapped. I also had tingling sensations all over my body that come and go and this morning I have heaviness/tightness in my legs.
Question, are there any good resources available for the risks associated to the non Jabbed??
I am doing a heavy vitamin load, C, D, A, Zinc & Quercetin.
I take the Zelenko protocol for general protection as it's worked on colds as well but to me shedding is likely psychosomatic like how I'd sometimes get an itchy throat if I see a room full of maskers but nowadays that doesn't happen anymore when I go among them. The misuss took it very early back in March since she's a health worker and back then I had not enough info to convince her otherwise (at least she's hesitant on the booster now and against giving it to kids) and if shedding was real something would have happened to me by now given that she sleeps next to me every night.
I think your right about psychosomatic...... it did occur to me I'm reliving a non issue again.
When I was in my 20's, I thought I felt a lump on a testicle. Over the next few weeks, that lump turned into real shooting pain. I eventually went to a doctor to "confirm" my diagnosis and after two seconds, he assured me it was nothing.
Magically, the pain went straight away. It's probably my subconscious brain fucking with me right now.
I think that the psychosomatic component is one of the reasons for the mask mandates, hardly anyone around here seemed worried when it was a few hypochondriacs doing it but once they got the majority doing it via mandates I saw so many people lose their nerve over just a matter of weeks. When I realized that I felt better the moment I left the building I realized that I was falling under a spell and had to strengthen my resolve.
My husband is very sensitive to everything. He once experienced a horrible side-effect from a medication that affects 1 out of a thousand people, and ended up in surgery. He can smell things I don't notice. If food is not fresh, he can break out in hives.
Whenever we visit my vaxxed mom at senior housing, (outside, because we're not jabbed), he would get out of the car and hug her when we left and then later get a headache and shoulder pain. I sit with her talking and hug her too. I don't feel anything. Now he just waves from the car and doesn't have headaches anymore.
He even felt strange after talking to a group of vaxxed neighbors outside. Everyone has different levels of sensitivity. Listen to your body and intuition. I don't want to have to take Ivermectin anytime I'm around vaxxed people which would be a lot of Ivermectin.