I had to go to the doctor yesterday for some breathing issues he wanted me to go in an ambulance I told him I would take care of it at home and if I got worse I would go to the hospital.
It did take a turn for the worse and I'm at the hospital but I remembered what he told me yesterday he was a very good doctor wouldn't expect this in California but he was really cool and he gave me good advice he told me they have no way to prove it but to tell them you've been double vaccinated Otherwise they will give you 2nd hand treatment because they will believe that if you have coronavirus which I don't. you do you will have done this to yourself.
No I don't smoke, no I'm not overweight, Working out could potentially help but it's not gonna solve the problem Unfortunately I have chemical burned lungs. From the age of 16 to 25 I was on the restoration industry and when we would do flood demos and have to cut out drywall a lot of it had lead paint and a especially sensation, Yeah we also used very harsh chemicals I left many jobs blowing my nose And filling the clinics with blood not thinking twice about it because I was young and we didn't use respirators way back thenThe damage was done by the time I was 25 years old I'm 52 now I've been suffering within for many years. There is no fix I just have to deal with it.