Yes. PA, in my opinion, was the most ridiculous state for fraud in 2020. They let their fraud machine rip through the state in 2020. This has to be exposed. I think they'll find that :
1> Precincts in inner city districts have virtually no voters that show up and are the epicenters of fraudulent activity (we all know this ... just pointing it out).
2> The state has been voting conservative since 2004. A sole exception will be 2008 since that fucking lil' tyrant in training really had libs motivated.
3> Bob Casey Jr (senator) should have had to work to earn that seat. There is no way that lazy fuck won by the margins he won without help. The media sold the whole "but his father was popular in PA" bullshit to the public statewide and people just accept the fact that he'd be reelected with no problems.
4> The most important ... Trump crushed Biden by at least 5% in 2020 ... and I am being conservative in my estimate.
I don't think Wolf won by cheating unfortunately. The Rs barely helped their candidates in 2018 (which is why they got "trounced"). The governor before Wolf, Corbett, was beaten soundly ... he was a RINO's RINO that should have had the decency to wear a D after his name.
If you're gonna govern like a Dem, people are going to vote for the real thing when you run again. Pandering to those liberal fruitcakes is a stupid proposition ... they are NEVER going to vote for anything but D and you're going to piss off your base signing off on shit legislation written by liberals.
Yes. PA, in my opinion, was the most ridiculous state for fraud in 2020. They let their fraud machine rip through the state in 2020. This has to be exposed. I think they'll find that :
1> Precincts in inner city districts have virtually no voters that show up and are the epicenters of fraudulent activity (we all know this ... just pointing it out).
2> The state has been voting conservative since 2004. A sole exception will be 2008 since that fucking lil' tyrant in training really had libs motivated.
3> Bob Casey Jr (senator) should have had to work to earn that seat. There is no way that lazy fuck won by the margins he won without help. The media sold the whole "but his father was popular in PA" bullshit to the public statewide and people just accept the fact that he'd be reelected with no problems.
4> The most important ... Trump crushed Biden by at least 5% in 2020 ... and I am being conservative in my estimate.
I don't think Wolf won by cheating unfortunately. The Rs barely helped their candidates in 2018 (which is why they got "trounced"). The governor before Wolf, Corbett, was beaten soundly ... he was a RINO's RINO that should have had the decency to wear a D after his name.
If you're gonna govern like a Dem, people are going to vote for the real thing when you run again. Pandering to those liberal fruitcakes is a stupid proposition ... they are NEVER going to vote for anything but D and you're going to piss off your base signing off on shit legislation written by liberals.