The Racine and Kenosha area is the "Root" of the celestial North "Pole".
Racine means "Root" and Kenosha means "Pike". A pike is a pole. This is telling us that this area is the "root of the world tree"; Other terms for this concept include "Stairway to Heaven", "Jacobs Ladder" and "Axis Mundi" which is the Latin term in astronomy for the axis of Earth between the celestial poles. Look at this picture of planet earth you will see that Racine, Wisconsin is perfectly aligned with the North Celestial Pole.
What would happen to the Racine area if there was a pole shift?
Ever heard of the Younger Dryas impact event 12,000 years ago? Scientists now think it was a comet that formed the Great Lakes.
Ever read the document on called "The Adam and Eve Story" by Chan Thomas that claims earth undergoes cataclysmic pole shifts in regular, 12000 year periods? In that document it is claimed that one of the only places that would be safe in North America during a pole shift would be Pikes Peak because of it's elevation. Within two years of this document being written, construction of NORAD began on Pikes Peak.
You know where else Kenosha exists? On Pikes Peak in Colorado; there is a Kenosha pass, with a twin lakes and two towers known as the Kenosha Twin Cones. The shadow government in Denver revealed they know all about Kenosha being an Axis Mundi in an episode of South Park called "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers" where a sign for Kenosha pass is displayed. The episode that aired just before this one was titled "A Ladder to Heaven"
The Racine Dominicans, who run the Siena Retreat Center in Wind Point, reveal how Racine is also associated with the "Ladder to Heaven" concept because the ladder to heaven is depicted on the Dome of the Siena Cathedral in Italy.
Siena is a type of Red Ochre pigment. The Mound Builders are also known as the "Red Ochre People" because when they buried a body in a mound, they drenched it in red ochre pigment. The Mound Builders lived in the Racine area because they believed it was the gate to heaven through the Constellation Orion (also known as the Path of Souls) because it is aligned with the center of the Milky Way.
It was the Mound Builders who first named this area "Root [Chippecotton] and Pole [Kenosha]"
It also recently dawned on me that it appears these people also appear to believe the celestial pole (which passes right through Racine) is a gateway to the lower realm (aka hell), middle realm (aka Earth), and upper realm (aka heaven).
This maybe also partly explains why these evil minions of satan are obsessed with Racine and Lake Michigan. Because the area can be used as a portal to hell. Maybe this is why it is said that much of the CIA MK Ultra activity took place around the Racine/Lake Michigan area. Also might explain why Jeffrey Dahmer and other serial killers came from that area. Also may be worth noting as well that we recently were told that there are pyramids at the bottom of Rock Lake in Wisconsin if I recall.
I also found it interesting that Dr. Gene Kim talks about the possibility of Nephilim (offpsring from angels mating with humans, which they werent supposed to do) surviving the flood as they may have had means to dig tunnels very far underground. That or the possibility that they had UFOs and survive the flood that way.
This maybe also partly explains why these evil minions of satan are obsessed with Racine and Lake Michigan. Because the area can be used as a portal to hell.
I also think this is extremely important. Water was believed by the Mound Builders to be a portal into the underworld. Look up the water panther known as Mishipeshu. I think Michigan and Mishipeshu share the same root word.
Mishipeshu is Scorpio, who is a winged serpent during the summer when he is in the sky but during the winter when you can't see him in the nights sky he goes underwater and loses his wings and becomes a water panther. The mound builders were very careful not to perform their cremation rituals during the summer when Scorpio was in the sky, because, if Scorpio is in the sky, that means it's summer and Orion, the "way to heaven" for the Mound Builders, is not there.
The water panther is frequently depicted at the bottom of a totem pole. A totem pole, of course, represents the world tree or an axis mundi.
Do you have any still images that show it passes thru Racine? Because the Wikipedia source I pretty blurry and leaves a lot of room for questions. It actually looks like it intersects much further down.
That is a hell of a post. I love things like this because even though it reeks if evil, it goes to show there is a much deeper meaning and spiritual field in this seemingly mundane world we live in.
No problem. I forgot to mention in that post that Racine (and therefore celestial North Pole) is connected to the center of the galaxy itself, because the center of the galaxy glides over the horizon in Southern Wisconsin. Racine is where that phenomenon intersects with the Great Lakes.
That means the Younger Dryas comet impact is also aligned with the galactic center and celestial North Pole. What the hell could cause that? I've been trying to figure this one out to no avail.
Nvm I found it and it is only tangentially related but within the first 15 mins if this video, the man connects the language of math and geometry to the earth's tilt and rotation...just watch it 0lease at least first 20 mins and if you wanna see more go ahead.
I have read The Adam and Eve story. I actually have a less-redacted PDF than the CIA copy. That book is scaring the hell out of me, especially with this guy's earthquake research:
awesome, can you share the less redacted PDF you have? Is it the version that says "what's left of the giza plateau" vs the redacted version which just says "the giza plateau"?
The Racine and Kenosha area is the "Root" of the celestial North "Pole".
Racine means "Root" and Kenosha means "Pike". A pike is a pole. This is telling us that this area is the "root of the world tree"; Other terms for this concept include "Stairway to Heaven", "Jacobs Ladder" and "Axis Mundi" which is the Latin term in astronomy for the axis of Earth between the celestial poles. Look at this picture of planet earth you will see that Racine, Wisconsin is perfectly aligned with the North Celestial Pole.
What would happen to the Racine area if there was a pole shift?
Ever heard of the Younger Dryas impact event 12,000 years ago? Scientists now think it was a comet that formed the Great Lakes.
Deep troughs in Lake Superior support the hypothesis of Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) comet impact 12,900 BP. The impact theory explains the megafauna extinction
Megafauna? like giants?
Ever read the document on called "The Adam and Eve Story" by Chan Thomas that claims earth undergoes cataclysmic pole shifts in regular, 12000 year periods? In that document it is claimed that one of the only places that would be safe in North America during a pole shift would be Pikes Peak because of it's elevation. Within two years of this document being written, construction of NORAD began on Pikes Peak.
You know where else Kenosha exists? On Pikes Peak in Colorado; there is a Kenosha pass, with a twin lakes and two towers known as the Kenosha Twin Cones. The shadow government in Denver revealed they know all about Kenosha being an Axis Mundi in an episode of South Park called "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers" where a sign for Kenosha pass is displayed. The episode that aired just before this one was titled "A Ladder to Heaven"
The Racine Dominicans, who run the Siena Retreat Center in Wind Point, reveal how Racine is also associated with the "Ladder to Heaven" concept because the ladder to heaven is depicted on the Dome of the Siena Cathedral in Italy.
Siena is also the signature color of Frank Lloyd Wright (aka Cherokee Red). What color are the SC Johnson owned buildings in Racine, like Wingspread and the Research Tower? What color is the doorway to the Racine masonic center? It's Siena.
Siena is a type of Red Ochre pigment. The Mound Builders are also known as the "Red Ochre People" because when they buried a body in a mound, they drenched it in red ochre pigment. The Mound Builders lived in the Racine area because they believed it was the gate to heaven through the Constellation Orion (also known as the Path of Souls) because it is aligned with the center of the Milky Way.
It was the Mound Builders who first named this area "Root [Chippecotton] and Pole [Kenosha]"
/u/TrustTheTruth u/BTFO u/CrackinBallsCuh u/Joshheretohelp u/palmerd21 u/summersunset01 u/Squidpup u/Qasar u/DCon4DRats u/Cpleb u/inspoken u/rahu77 u/Yeetthedems u/AmericanVictory u/kish-kumen u/GodWins_76 u/vidura u/CoolAsACucumber u/Zeitreise u/Giant_Robot u/MilesTeg u/EnosMacLar u/a_man u/CyberHawk u/FormerLibtard94 u/KickingPugilist u/Headybro420 u/BoatingAccident u/mr_A u/ProphetOfKek u/inspoken u/thephantom1979 u/AReckoningIsComing u/DontTreadonIt u/TurdFergueson u/NeedMoarPillows u/LongTimeListener u/Keepwatukill u/SuckaFree u/TeleScreenMedia u/Megadeath u/AngelCole u/RC22 u/Redhawk u/CokeOrPepe u/Obelisk u/GDZeus u/GridSquaresBoxOf u/Robertkolodin u/InsleeMustGo u/FreeEagle u/bigsix u/Moman u/magaphraust u/335k u/Pm_me_anything_fun u/Gingerpatriot u/Shadilady u/rupedoggydawg u/PfizerSoze u/AZTrumplican u/MAGALogic u/Tazzurit u/Conspiracytheorist u/ProphetOfKek u/TheTroof u/whenisenough u/Europeade u/StickToThePlan u/GodSaveOurChildren u/Trump_astic u/unruly u/inspoken
God damn it another fucking rabbit hole. Fuck it, let me pour a drink and dive.
Ask if you have any questions. You might want to direct them at TrustTheTruth as well since he knows way more than I do.
No questions, just respect and admiration. This is the deep digging and connecting the dots of a masterful researcher. Glad you are on our side.
What he said 👆.
Several drinks later and now I am convinced it has to do with sacred geometry starting at 13:07 in this video
Yea all this stuff right up my alley
Ty actually love this stuff too. And so does the pyramid of giza have to do with sacred geometry.
In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
Great comment u/into_the_continuum.
It also recently dawned on me that it appears these people also appear to believe the celestial pole (which passes right through Racine) is a gateway to the lower realm (aka hell), middle realm (aka Earth), and upper realm (aka heaven).
This maybe also partly explains why these evil minions of satan are obsessed with Racine and Lake Michigan. Because the area can be used as a portal to hell. Maybe this is why it is said that much of the CIA MK Ultra activity took place around the Racine/Lake Michigan area. Also might explain why Jeffrey Dahmer and other serial killers came from that area. Also may be worth noting as well that we recently were told that there are pyramids at the bottom of Rock Lake in Wisconsin if I recall.
I also found it interesting that Dr. Gene Kim talks about the possibility of Nephilim (offpsring from angels mating with humans, which they werent supposed to do) surviving the flood as they may have had means to dig tunnels very far underground. That or the possibility that they had UFOs and survive the flood that way.
I also think this is extremely important. Water was believed by the Mound Builders to be a portal into the underworld. Look up the water panther known as Mishipeshu. I think Michigan and Mishipeshu share the same root word.
Mishipeshu is Scorpio, who is a winged serpent during the summer when he is in the sky but during the winter when you can't see him in the nights sky he goes underwater and loses his wings and becomes a water panther. The mound builders were very careful not to perform their cremation rituals during the summer when Scorpio was in the sky, because, if Scorpio is in the sky, that means it's summer and Orion, the "way to heaven" for the Mound Builders, is not there.
The water panther is frequently depicted at the bottom of a totem pole. A totem pole, of course, represents the world tree or an axis mundi.
Do you have any still images that show it passes thru Racine? Because the Wikipedia source I pretty blurry and leaves a lot of room for questions. It actually looks like it intersects much further down.
That is a hell of a post. I love things like this because even though it reeks if evil, it goes to show there is a much deeper meaning and spiritual field in this seemingly mundane world we live in.
Thank you, friend.
No problem. I forgot to mention in that post that Racine (and therefore celestial North Pole) is connected to the center of the galaxy itself, because the center of the galaxy glides over the horizon in Southern Wisconsin. Racine is where that phenomenon intersects with the Great Lakes.
That means the Younger Dryas comet impact is also aligned with the galactic center and celestial North Pole. What the hell could cause that? I've been trying to figure this one out to no avail.
Nvm I found it and it is only tangentially related but within the first 15 mins if this video, the man connects the language of math and geometry to the earth's tilt and rotation...just watch it 0lease at least first 20 mins and if you wanna see more go ahead.
I haven't gotten past yet.
Thank you, this is fascinating.
Well the number you mentioned in years, let me find a video that I long lost (FUCK)
13:07 in the vid is where the most relevant stuff is mentioned but the first 13 mins are great context.
You mention Chan Thomas' book, so I assume you are familiar with Ben Davidson? He believes there is a solar micronova every 12,000 years.
This is wonderful.
I have read The Adam and Eve story. I actually have a less-redacted PDF than the CIA copy. That book is scaring the hell out of me, especially with this guy's earthquake research:
I think a legit cataclysm could be in our near future.
awesome, can you share the less redacted PDF you have? Is it the version that says "what's left of the giza plateau" vs the redacted version which just says "the giza plateau"?
This is solid info. Thanks for sharing!