Operating on the basis the Q answered it just to give disinfo means your picking and choosing what fits your hypothetical point, your saying this fits my idea, so it’s disinformation
There’s no proof from Q
Meanwhile Q us literally telling you were yo look yet you want to look at what telegram and Facebook said to look at
Operating on the basis the Q answered it just to give disinfo means your picking and choosing what fits your hypothetical point, your saying this fits my idea, so it’s disinformation
There’s no proof from Q
Meanwhile Q us literally telling you were yo look yet you want to look at what telegram and Facebook said to look at
yikes, you don't understand the difference before your and YOU'RE. ps, I don't have Jewbook or Telejew, so nice try dumb dumb.
Lefties attack things like grammar
Attack the points I made
You not having Facebook or telegram doesn’t destroy my point that this is where these rumors came from
Not the Chan’s, not anons, not Q, telegram and Facebook.... boomer tier noise
No noise, only signal