Not just Wall St hedge funds… they have now learned the media (at least relating to financial) is completely corrupted, as is a gov agency (SEC). It’s been fun watching the slow, but steady awakening on Superstonk this year.
Haha this is my biggest point of contention over there too. Seriously, sooo many posts about the media can't be trusted, hundreds of fake articles, news stories called out but then anything outside of gme they believe.
The response to MGGA was pretty surprising though, some are waking up....slowly.
The panic and desperation by hedge funds and their media puppets shows that they know they’re screwed.
A couple days ago I read a comment on SS about how the whole financial media attacks GME, and tries to convince people to sell their shares, and the person (correctly) said it seems like an organized agenda…. I wanted to point out that it’s the same thing the media has done against Trump since ‘16.
Add the entire corporate health system to this list.
Add the entire financial system also
And the media and social media
. . . beginning with the funding of education especially at the university level and the education of physicians and medical researchers.
Not just Wall St hedge funds… they have now learned the media (at least relating to financial) is completely corrupted, as is a gov agency (SEC). It’s been fun watching the slow, but steady awakening on Superstonk this year.
Haha this is my biggest point of contention over there too. Seriously, sooo many posts about the media can't be trusted, hundreds of fake articles, news stories called out but then anything outside of gme they believe. The response to MGGA was pretty surprising though, some are waking up....slowly.
The panic and desperation by hedge funds and their media puppets shows that they know they’re screwed.
A couple days ago I read a comment on SS about how the whole financial media attacks GME, and tries to convince people to sell their shares, and the person (correctly) said it seems like an organized agenda…. I wanted to point out that it’s the same thing the media has done against Trump since ‘16.
It’s entirely understandable that the people who have been awake the longest would also be the most demoralized.
Whoever said “ignorance is bliss “ knew what he was talking about. It’s like a drug.
No kidding. Astounding to be aware of so much that is completely horrifying, really. And yet we function.
But will enough people be brave enough to leave the cave? Or will they fight to continue to watch shadows on the wall?
Depends on the person... you left the cave right?
Q: What is "enough people"?
A: I have no idea. Also, effective numbers could be lower if more committed/motivated.
It has been dripping through like acid that one. More people believe the truth than the lies every day.
I agree