posted ago by Britpat ago by Britpat +38 / -0

As the world wakes up and starts to see the evil that oozes from the pores of the Elite and their minions I’ve been thinking about the power of digital soldiers that may be misinterpreted as keyboard warriors.

It appears that the evil side have many tools to their arsenal and are well practiced in using them.

Numbers and sacrificial dates followed by coincidental human fatalities seem to be a big part of their modus operandi.

Whether there are witches boiling potions and casting spells to coincide with dark events is a conversation for another day. The fact is invisible energy or frequencies could be used to trigger catastrophes.

If Flynn was aware of this from access to research perhaps he realised that bringing together good people from around the world to focus their energy for small moments in time could allow for positive energy being used to attack negative energy.

So for example all people reading this will immediately think subconsciously “ I wish they would arrest Hilary”.

In the last few weeks Durham has been the focus and every few days a small progression has been made. Is it because the mass awakening is channelling energy towards this?