In case you were wondering if we are winning (USA), here is the updated VAX scoreboard:
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Had a beer with a friend yesterday and he asked if I still wasn’t vexed…said “yup, just like you.” He said you know I’m vexed”…l said, “No, you are not according to Biden. You need the Booster and 5 months later another booster and so on and so on.” The look he gave me was priceless…I think in that moment a red pill was swallowed.
Damn man. That's worthy of it's own post. Seriously, post that shit.
That is the stealth bomber of COVID redpills for the vaxxed.
It's a hell of a lot better than the approach I was taking by asking "at what point do you stop getting shots?"
If anyone can remake this infographic to be more viewer friendly, I'd really appreciate it. I had to use Word Online to make it and it took friggin forever to get it lined up
I believe showing this to others who are losing hope would make a HUGE difference in their outlook. A person who feels alone can be coerced. A person who knows 140mil people are behind them will not back down
Who put up these figures. Really I don't believe anything. CDC same why would they ever tell the truth. Just like the numbers they claim Brandon won by. Okay.
Very interesting... I’m once again surprised at how many sheep just trust the media and took the jab, no questions, no research, etc.
They see this as a challenge. Putting it in our food is next for the remaining 138 million.
so 246,000,000 is like over 2/3 rds that have not been vaxed or fully vaxed. I thought we were at over 70%
Of the Vaxxed, how many were placebos? I don't know how many, but I believe it was a lot. 30-40? More?
Or are the original 108 million included in the second figure? Or is it actually 20 million who have gotten a first dose but not the second?
Yep, look at the tiny figures. 194 million fully vaccinated. Or is that 224 million?
That's not right. 108 Million have not gotten any dose. only 30 million got one dose, not 138 million. you're double counting.
108 + 138 = 246 million therefore only 86 million are fully vaccinated?
224 million got AT LEAST 1 dose
194 million got both doses
Sorry for the confusion.
So 224 million have had at least one dose, of those 224 million, 194 million are fully vaccinated with both doses.
so the 194 million is part of the 224 million, so only 30 million got one dose right? otherwise the two numbers add up to more than our current population.
Only 30 million have gotten boosters after their first dose.