The CDC just quietly acknowledged that far more people have natural immunity than was earlier reported. A staggering 146.6 million people have been infected by the Sars-CoV-2 virus and have survived it, thus making them immune to future infections. END THIS CHARADE *NOW*!
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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Friend who is B+ now having heart issues and autoimmune dysfunction after taking the vaccine and getting COVID after the fact.
Seriously looking like they used 23andme for nefarious purposes. If they truly want blood donations, they’d want to keep the universal/almost universal sheep around and get rid of the rest.
I have O+ blood; I was the sickest I’ve ever been in my life for two weeks, but I avoided the hospital thanks to a nebulizer. Had some funky unrelated health issues that contributed to it being so bad, but it was manageable.
It’s also pretty clear they wanted this pandemic to be worse, but someone dulled it down or chose to release COVID instead of a bigger threat.
I can't be sure that they wanted the "pandemic" to be worse, but it does make sense that they would, as long as it wasn't bad enough to ruin the infrastructure that the cabal wants to inherit.
I have been thinking on this. The test animals all died from ADE. Humans seem pretty tough. I suspect we know what to do when we get ill and sensible self-care and self-medication have saved a lot of lives. Perhaps the virus designers didn't anticipate this.
Hope your friend learns to manage his conditions and heal.
Thanks, me too. They have a one year old that needs his parents.
There was a 4chan thread a few months ago I’ll have to dig up where a science fren was posting what the vaccine proteins matched to in the national protein database. Basically showed the vaccine matches human cardiovascular and pulmonary tissue, so the vaccine trains your body to attack itself.
Not sure if it was a larp or not, but the way people keep getting clots and passing away “unexpectedly” makes me believe they were at least partially telling the truth.