Youngkin Will Allow Virginia Counties, Cities, K-12 Public Schools To Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines And Masks...While Youngkin insists that he will not mandate masks or vaccines, he is not going to block localities and K-12 public schools from implementing them on their own...
🤡 Clown World 🌎
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Jeffrey Epstein is that you?
I did not kill myself.
No, I had to work with the boys and girls club nearby, craziest most unbehaved children I have ever seen. They don’t care about rules anymore, all anyone does is play on their phone or whine about something. It’s mostly due to parents and Covid, but they’re gonna do this until someone says not to (probably never because traditional parenting is dead). This does not apply to most of those who visit this board, but mainly 1st-6th graders in public schools.