How the fuck can CNN spin this this way? They KNOW who guy is. They already have all his fucking socials. They know everything about this guy. THEY AREN'T EVEN CALLING THE DEAD CHILDREN VICTIMS. THEY AREN'T EVEN SUGGESTING THE MURDERER DID ANYTHING WRONG
🧠 These people are stupid!

I told a few different people. No one even heard of it. I honestly think people on this board watch the news more than anyone I know in RL. No one ever knows anything here. Even at the rural hospital I drive out of the city to work at. I can complain about the news to anyone and they always, I mean always tell me “I don’t watch the news”.
It’s possible that it upsets people who do watch it and others have up a long time ago because it’s so hostile and biased.
I honestly don’t think people know, or pay attention because it’s traumatic and well, just not very fun.
People vote, reluctantly and they avoid all that jazz it seems like. I hear about this stuff when I come on here.