Taken with vit C & D it eases the illness and adds strength to the immune system 😁 I love nature… she is an elegant lady in a pirouette ♥️ beautiful and graceful with her scales of life and death. I have learned to strip concepts to their base to see how things work… too many lies from so called educated “experts” from a very young age… got tired of getting the short end so I began disassembling words for their original meaning. It’s how I look at the world… disassemble then reassemble so it flows like water… weird I know but too many lies that hurt me badly forced me to look deeper.
Taken with vit C & D it eases the illness and adds strength to the immune system 😁 I love nature… she is an elegant lady in a pirouette ♥️ beautiful and graceful with her scales of life and death. I have learned to strip concepts to their base to see how things work… too many lies from so called educated “experts” from a very young age… got tired of getting the short end so I began disassembling words for their original meaning. It’s how I look at the world… disassemble then reassemble so it flows like water… weird I know but too many lies that hurt me badly forced me to look deeper.