President Trump..." I watched that craggy smug face of Woodward as he"bullshits" the public and said to myself, "I wonder if history will really believe this stuff?"...
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸

"taking it back" says the prez who can't even reach out to his supporters properly (without twitter and other social media)
:/ 2 more weeks?
Two more weeks is a pacing meme. Two more weeks is a humorous way to build endurance. Endurance is needed to win "marathons" like our current World War which is a life or death struggle with the Globalists Death Cult.
Keep in mind, two more weeks may be too much for newbies or damageds. For instance, AA recommends taking it one day at a time. For some, even that may be too long at first.
Bottom line, the KEY is to build endurance. As Q pointed out, this is NOT a sprint.