Seriously - see their twatter. Four foreigners who have since left (so yeah real sick!) tested for genomic sequencing. All vaxxed. All fine. All contacts negative. All contacts fine.
It is not even a "new" variant. They have known about it for months and months. See my other post on this thread. This is just a fear machine operation.
Africa isn't falling in line with the vaccines, so what better place to start a new deadly variant to force their hand. Can it be any more obvious. May God send his angels to protect the people of Africa!
Ok we'll be hearing a ton about this "new" variant. How it is so deadly and spreads so rapidly etc etc.
Here is the thing. It is not new. It has been around for months. If it is so virulent and lethal shit should've been locked down months and months ago. I had to dig for hours to find this...they are burying it like a mother fucker.
New variant my ass. They are just drumming up another boogeyman to scare the shit out of people. Why? Scared people comply like little bitches and thats what Klaus Schwab and his cronies of fuckers want.
A D-I-S-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-N to keep sheeple preoccupied, in fear (surprise, surprise - "variant" "could be more dangerous for the young") and controlled.
Maxwell's trial starts Monday.
"Coincidentally", jab recently authorized for 5-12 year olds.
(Other goings-on that SHOULD have people's attention?)
Also, people were "allowed" a relatively "normal" Thanksgiving. They shouldn't hope to have a relatively "normal" Christmas (a "holy" holiday) and New Year's, too.
Every time I see jab authorized and 5-12 year olds in the same sentence I want to slap the sh*t out of every parent even thinking about getting their children "vaxxed". How freaking stupid are these people? Nevermind, I think we know.
Seriously - see their twatter. Four foreigners who have since left (so yeah real sick!) tested for genomic sequencing. All vaxxed. All fine. All contacts negative. All contacts fine.
It is not even a "new" variant. They have known about it for months and months. See my other post on this thread. This is just a fear machine operation.
Translation: ''Shut your traps, bitches''. Sincerely, Boss-wana.
Africa isn't falling in line with the vaccines, so what better place to start a new deadly variant to force their hand. Can it be any more obvious. May God send his angels to protect the people of Africa!
Ok we'll be hearing a ton about this "new" variant. How it is so deadly and spreads so rapidly etc etc.
Here is the thing. It is not new. It has been around for months. If it is so virulent and lethal shit should've been locked down months and months ago. I had to dig for hours to find this...they are burying it like a mother fucker.
New variant my ass. They are just drumming up another boogeyman to scare the shit out of people. Why? Scared people comply like little bitches and thats what Klaus Schwab and his cronies of fuckers want.
Isn't using a term like "Botswana" to describe a disease, virus, or variant racist - like "Wuhan Virus"?
Wagering the 4 "foreign nationals" were covert CCP.
Ladies and gentlemen... I introduce to you... the Jiggaboo variant.
Now that's just funny!
The Botswana letter dated 11.25 specifically used these terms,
"Variant Tests"
"The new Variant has a high number of mutations"
"The Variant is still being studied and investigated."
Taking these things into account one might assume that the variant had been identified, isolated and shown to exist.
Missed opportunity for batswana… should have ended with… “and remember to keep you HCQ handy incase you are feeling a little under the weather…”
A D-I-S-T-R-A-C-T-I-O-N to keep sheeple preoccupied, in fear (surprise, surprise - "variant" "could be more dangerous for the young") and controlled.
Maxwell's trial starts Monday.
"Coincidentally", jab recently authorized for 5-12 year olds.
(Other goings-on that SHOULD have people's attention?)
Also, people were "allowed" a relatively "normal" Thanksgiving. They shouldn't hope to have a relatively "normal" Christmas (a "holy" holiday) and New Year's, too.
Every time I see jab authorized and 5-12 year olds in the same sentence I want to slap the sh*t out of every parent even thinking about getting their children "vaxxed". How freaking stupid are these people? Nevermind, I think we know.
Yup. Sometimes ya gotta wonder if the whole sick experiment is some sort of IQ/gullibility/obedience test or Darwinian culling of the herd.
The media’s new narrative doesn’t care about your facts.
Very true for Europe and my country unfortunately…
A sane, rational response. Something we have yet to see from high profile "doctors" in the mainstream media.
Chances are, those 4 already had Sars-COV2 BEFORE traveling to Botswana.
When will the MSM stop lying to the public?
Not our fault, this variant hasn't shown any danger, but Covid is thuper-therial.
Let me guess... the "foreign nationals" were all chinese.