The very first sentence of your title should clue everyone in to what is going on.
This is a psyop and by participating you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
And the fucking shills are all over this. They see an opening that you are giving them to divide and create doubt. I dont understand how people here can be so clueless about what is happening.
Because too many of the “people here” are here only to shill and doom. It’s gotten to the point that I rarely read comments anymore because there’s someone in every thread trying to make an argument and cloud the issue. Unfortunately, it seems the best and brightest pedes that were here when I first arrived, and actually posted value (especially in regards to Q), seem to have found better things to do. I hope they don’t abandon us entirely.
The very first sentence of your title should clue everyone in to what is going on.
This is a psyop and by participating you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
And the fucking shills are all over this. They see an opening that you are giving them to divide and create doubt. I dont understand how people here can be so clueless about what is happening.
Because too many of the “people here” are here only to shill and doom. It’s gotten to the point that I rarely read comments anymore because there’s someone in every thread trying to make an argument and cloud the issue. Unfortunately, it seems the best and brightest pedes that were here when I first arrived, and actually posted value (especially in regards to Q), seem to have found better things to do. I hope they don’t abandon us entirely.