posted ago by Q20191776 ago by Q20191776 +62 / -3


Theme: Let all creation praise and worship the Lord.

Author: Anonymous


1 Praise the LORD.Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. 2 Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts. 3 Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. 4 Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. 5 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for at his command they were created, 6 and he established them for ever and everβ€” he issued a decree that will never pass away. 7 Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, 8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, 9 you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, 10 wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, 11 kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, 12 young men and women, old men and children. 13 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens. 14 And he has raised up for his people a horn,the praise of all his faithful servants, of Israel, the people close to his heart. Praise the LORD.

Study Note:


All creation is like a majestic symphony or a great choir composed of many harmonious parts that together offer up songs of praise. Each part (independent, yet part of the whole) is caught up and carried along in the swelling tides of praise. This is a picture of how we as believers should praise God--individually, yet as a part of the great choir of believers worldwide. Are you singing your part well in the worldwide choir of praise?

There are some that think those of us who still praise God are backwards in our thinking and beliefs, that we live our lives in dogma. What is dogma? If it is living in incontrovertible truth, that is worthy of praise. If it is recognition of the everlasting and timeless truth of God and his Son and his Holy Spirit, that is worthy of praise. If it is personal transformation, evident works of saving grace, awakening to deceptions and truth, that is worthy of praise. To tell the truth, I am tired of labels. Whatever you call it, I will still Praise The Lord.

Lord, thank you for all your creation and for the hope of that day when we all join together to sing and testify our praises to you. You are the Almighty Creator of All, Allknowing and Ever Present. You save us through the fulfillment of your law, from the beginning throughout all times for eternity. We believe the TRUTH. All praises to the Lord! In Jesus name, Amen.

A Song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q98phadl5Ws

Have a blessed day.