Yeah, this context has always concerned me and it has been a widely-debated topic on this board. The consensus, if I recall correctly, has always been that warp speed forced their hand and made them use the vaccines sooner than planned which was the lesser of evils (versus the multi-year lock-downs and begging for freedom). But, the deeper question is: did/does Trump know that the vaccines were themselves poison? He has always taken credit for them being delivered sooner than later, and he has always said it's "your choice". He could not go against the vaccines because then he would be summarily dismissed and give the media more ammo to keep portraying him as a clown (their opinion, not mine).
Makes you wish you could slip him a truth pill and have 15 minutes to ask him questions.
I think he knows the damage the vax can do. I think he knew all the time, but I think this is the strategy that the white hats have chosen.
The great reset plans were at a very advanced stage and almost unstoppable considering just how brainwashed the population is.
For me, I think the thing to understand is how very close to unstoppable this plan was. This is the eleventh hour and maybe this is the only way to save any humanity.
The whole war is so much bigger and worse than we imagine.
I think this is absolutely the right perspective. People were already dead or going to die and there was nothing that could be done, except pray and fight back.
Yes, a very limited number of strategies would work against the reset at this stage and I guess all them have large numbers of casualties. It's mankind's biggest battle ever and the normies wouldn't believe it's happening even if you told them in detail.
Such is the depth of their programming.
Yeah, this context has always concerned me and it has been a widely-debated topic on this board. The consensus, if I recall correctly, has always been that warp speed forced their hand and made them use the vaccines sooner than planned which was the lesser of evils (versus the multi-year lock-downs and begging for freedom). But, the deeper question is: did/does Trump know that the vaccines were themselves poison? He has always taken credit for them being delivered sooner than later, and he has always said it's "your choice". He could not go against the vaccines because then he would be summarily dismissed and give the media more ammo to keep portraying him as a clown (their opinion, not mine).
Makes you wish you could slip him a truth pill and have 15 minutes to ask him questions.
I think he knows the damage the vax can do. I think he knew all the time, but I think this is the strategy that the white hats have chosen.
The great reset plans were at a very advanced stage and almost unstoppable considering just how brainwashed the population is.
For me, I think the thing to understand is how very close to unstoppable this plan was. This is the eleventh hour and maybe this is the only way to save any humanity.
The whole war is so much bigger and worse than we imagine.
I think this is absolutely the right perspective. People were already dead or going to die and there was nothing that could be done, except pray and fight back.
Yes, a very limited number of strategies would work against the reset at this stage and I guess all them have large numbers of casualties. It's mankind's biggest battle ever and the normies wouldn't believe it's happening even if you told them in detail. Such is the depth of their programming.