It's critical thinking time, folks. James Comey's daughter is "lead" prosecutor? What does that mean? See top comment. This case needs our best legal eyes on! 👀
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️

Let's see, Jim Comey was a loyal player to the Clintons, both of whom were getting frequent flyer points from Lolita Airlines. That fact alone makes me feel Comey's daughter should recuse herself. That she hasn't done so makes me very suspect of the prosecution. When coupled with the fact that Biden nominated the Judge to the court of appeals smells really bad. Was that a not-so-subtle message that her future advancement is conditioned on the outcome of this case? Being nominated only gets you in the door to the confirmation hearing. Party loyalty is the elephant in the room when it comes to getting the votes of all Dems.
I don't think he helped Clinton in the 2016 election. He screwed her over and she hates him for it. Not sure the Comeys will do anything to protect creepy HillBilly
Disagree. Comey had the power to arrest her and he didn't. He knew the truth about the uranium deal, he new about the Steele dosier, he knew about her using the Clinton Foundation as a personal piggy bank and how she sold out the country thru her private server and allowed those that paid, access to classified info. He knew it all and did absolutely nothing. He worked hand in hand with Loretta Lynch to cover it all up. I see his daughter as Comey 2.0. If she had an once of integrity she would recuse herself from the case completely. The fact that she hasn't tells me everything I need to know.
It should be clearly obvious that Comey is not there to prosecute. But to make sure the other prosecutors do not fully do their jobs. And to ensure certain information and truths never reach the light of public court.