This should not be a Political debate. Further, in my humble opinion. 99% of the time, the children's fate are with the mothers. Each woman decides her own destiny. God forgive her should she need to start it so tragically. We reap what we Sow collectively as well as individually. Much blame is own the evil of the illuminati. We need to chill about stressful issues. Let women within their own Community organize this concerned voice.
This should not be a Political debate. Further, in my humble opinion. 99% of the time, the children's fate are with the mothers. Each woman decides her own destiny. God forgive her should she need to start it so tragically. We reap what we Sow collectively as well as individually. Much blame is own the evil of the illuminati. We need to chill about stressful issues. Let women within their own Community organize this concerned voice.
Then what's the point of laws? Why bother having laws if they aren't going to protect the most vulnerable?
Until they govern more than they balance.