This whole “pandemic” narrative is brutal and cruel. Good people out here are being driven to the very edge of insanity. As the game continues, people are waking up and are absolutely devastated! As they learn the depth of depravity that has willingly and knowingly been liberally applied to themselves and their families, the rage grows. It is absolutely vital we keep as many eyes on GMaxwell and “The Dangler” Juicy Smellit… These two cases alone blow their bs narrative waaay out of the water! That might very well be “why” the media are latching on to Bannon… that’s the Jan 6th case… likely a lot easier to explain away than KHarris involved in a fake lynching or how a lot of big names did unforgivable things to children. They’re avoiding MLindell’s SC visit also… Not going to be able to explain the Big Steal either looks like… damn those pesky lies… they’re so stupid and evil. NCSWIC
This whole “pandemic” narrative is brutal and cruel. Good people out here are being driven to the very edge of insanity. As the game continues, people are waking up and are absolutely devastated! As they learn the depth of depravity that has willingly and knowingly been liberally applied to themselves and their families, the rage grows. It is absolutely vital we keep as many eyes on GMaxwell and “The Dangler” Juicy Smellit… These two cases alone blow their bs narrative waaay out of the water! That might very well be “why” the media are latching on to Bannon… that’s the Jan 6th case… likely a lot easier to explain away than KHarris involved in a fake lynching or how a lot of big names did unforgivable things to children. They’re avoiding MLindell’s SC visit also… Not going to be able to explain the Big Steal either looks like… damn those pesky lies… they’re so stupid and evil. NCSWIC