Volenteer your skills
If you are willing to help your fellow GAW peeps, write your skills in list format that you are willing to volenteer. And free time you are willing to spend a month.
I will start:
Machine learning data generation
3D modeling
Game/3D application development
Logo, Brand design
General graghic design
About 10 hours a month I can dedicate.
Shoot frends how can I help if I'm useless.
I can possibly do something to help though.
An honest opinion or something.
I'd love to help others on nutrition, spirituality/Christianity, and checking up on them for motivation?
This could really help us all develop something new to let out our inner creativity and capability out!
p.s. Regarding nutrition all you really need to know is Eat right for your type by Dr. D'Adamo. bloodtypefood dot com has the spread. Still perfecting mine but feeling great!
I am experiencing some weird symptoms this past week. anything with an aroma smells like a dead rotting animal. I can only eat sweets without getting nausea from the taste and smell of death. Even lettus. But I can eat cheese and sweets. Bacon smells bad but tastes OK like its masking it a little.
Possibly a side-effect of medication or something you are taking or eating. Have you started taking Ivermectin or any other pill recently? Also a lack of (or too much) zinc can have an effect.
I have not been taking anything. Got covid lost senses, got them all back after 4 months except for bad smells which was nice, now the smell of death is super strong on anything savory
I sympathise but have no suggestions other than the usual protocol. When I got covid symptoms in Jan 2020 I was already taking zinc 30mg, D3 10,000 iu, magnesium 300mg, K2 200µg and trace amounts of borax daily. I think that saved me from after-effects.