I can make up a bunch of bullshit to "prove" anything I want to idiots that will suck down and swallow whatever I pump into them without critical thought too.
Maybe someone with the artistic ability should make one of those charts that "prove" most of those dieing from Covid have dyed their hair and wear face piercings/tattoos.
"Only the Dyed Die!"
"Pierce your arm with the jab, not your face with bits of metal!"
"Face tattoos, the mark of death!"
It'd be every bit as accurate as the Red Stater/Trumpsters Hit Hardest! chart.
I can make up a bunch of bullshit to "prove" anything I want to idiots that will suck down and swallow whatever I pump into them without critical thought too.
Maybe someone with the artistic ability should make one of those charts that "prove" most of those dieing from Covid have dyed their hair and wear face piercings/tattoos.
"Only the Dyed Die!" "Pierce your arm with the jab, not your face with bits of metal!" "Face tattoos, the mark of death!"
It'd be every bit as accurate as the Red Stater/Trumpsters Hit Hardest! chart.