When I posted this info couple days ago I was pressed for time, heading in to work, didn't get a good chance to explain what I found. I have more time now.
I stumbled across post 370 where Q said, "clock started - 10 days". It was in reference to a anon asking "what happened on 12/7?"
Here is post 370, https://qanon.pub/#370
What happened on 12/7? Q posted a shit ton of pictures of the most corrupt elite.
Here are a few examples.
Huma Abedin and John Podesta https://qanon.pub/#294
Obama and his ring about Allah and book "Post American World" https://qanon.pub/#295
Hillary with Rothchilds, noname and Soros. https://qanon.pub/#296
Hillary with Suadi dignitaries, noname with terrorists. https://qanon.pub/#297
Noname with more terrorists, Bush meeting with Saudi Ambassador (One year after 9/11 happened) https://qanon.pub/#298
So the Anon was asking about the pictures Q dropped on 12/7 and Q's response was "clock started - 10 days". That takes us to 12/17. (tomorrow)
Now, lets look at post 3716 and 3717. They were dropped on Dec 17, 2019.
You only have to look at one of them because both posts are identical. I guess it was important enough, Q posted it twice. (2 year delta). The exact same post, twice.
Here is what it reads:
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
All along, the trick has been to try to predict what happens before it happens based on the Q drops. Decode the Q code. Its not date fagging, its making predictions based on the evidence given. Will we see a major indictment drop tomorrow? I'm not saying anything will happen, just pointing out some connections I saw. You know its coming any day. The available date options have been narrowed down for us, lol. Lets see what happens.
Stay safe my fens!!!
hmm I don't know very much about him - a globalist you say?
Check out this clip. At 1:45 Navarro states, "If Mnuchin was never in the white house, Trump would still be President. He was that toxic."
hmm that's interesting. I don't know very much about Mnuchin or Navarro, really.
Butttt - I believe that Trump losing was purposeful, so that these DS actors could be exposed. So it doesn't make too much sense that one person screwed up the election. Do you see what I'm saying? The steal was huge, concerted, global effort.
I agree with you.
One scenario I consider to be a possibility is that the military assisted Trump in winning 2016, i.e. didn't allow the election steal to take place. That's why media pollsters (fake polls) and Hildabeast were so shocked when she lost. They already knew they would win due to their fraud schemes. When that didn't happen, they were completely shocked and it forced the deep state to work overtime to try and remove Trump, starting during the election, through the transition, and into his presidency.
In 2020, I believe they recorded the entire election fraud in real time and then they gave everyone in office the chance to show their true colors. From Pence to McConnell and Cheney to all the rest.
When the corruption veil is pulled back for all the world to see, everything will have been recorded for all the world to see. I think Q once said, "Sometimes you need to show the people."
I hope this scenario is true and that all will be revealed. Whether it does or not, I think we must always remember the last line of defense is We The People. Always has been and always will be.
May white hats and patriots win this war. If not, we need to be prepared to win it ourselves.
Yes, I see it this way as well.