Why do you think they now employ 5th gen warfare (psychological, disinformation, censorship, social media, etc)? It's because they have ran simulation after simulation, and every single time they push righteous gun-owning people over the edge in America, they lose to 4th generation warfare (guerilla warfare, controlling food/crops, controlling critical transport routes, etc). The Cabal can fully control their slave cities, but if things get really bad and 4th gen warfare kicks off, their cities will eat themselves in a matter of months.
Exactly. I've said this 3-4 times in posts here. No military, even one as strong as the USA, can win a war without a supply chain. If you are waging war on the guy that welds the tank, grows the food, fixes the plumbing, etc, etc... There is no supply chain.
When the food stores run out... when the ammo bunker runs dry... when the fuel depot runs empty... there is no replacements. No one is going to fix the tank that broke down or got damaged. There are no more replacement parts. You shot/blew up the guy that makes those parts or drives the truck to get them base, etc... in the first months of fighting.
Now what? 2 months? 3? Maybe 6 months into that fight its all gone... all dried up. Now its just the 500k-2mil of you with your rifles in your hands fighting 15-30 million US civilians and you just spent 6 months using tanks and belt fed machine guns and dropping bombs on them from planes... killing a few million of their friends, neighbors, brothers, fathers, uncles. They won't be kind.
There is nowhere to hide... nowhere to run to... good luck with that.
I'm sure china and the un will send assistance. It wont be pretty for sure.lotta low intensity bombs and assassination but in the end the American way will prevail
That's the beauty of it though. The moment they deploy any troops from a foreign country it will not only wake up millions more US citizens that have been sitting on the sidelines but it will also cause military personnel to question why they are following orders in the first place.
And that's the real key to all of this... can you really get the military to go along with it. Can they really get an F-15 pilot that is just an Air Force reservist to drop four 500lbs JDAM on US soil on civilians who have fortified some town and are 10k strong armed to the teeth so a conventional on the ground attack/police action is nearly impossible.
I'm sure they can find a handful of men who will, but I'm talking about the bulk of them... I'm talking about the 10k pilots you would need to fight a full on civil war. They would be dropping bombs on their brothers, nephews, cousins, brother-in-law etc, etc... Those men are going to need motivation greater than just being ordered to do it by a general or Nancy Pelosi. Its just not going to happen.
They know its not. If they thought for one millisecond the military would follow those orders we would already be in a civil war. These people are obsessed with power. It they thought they could seize it that way they would already have done it.
EDIT - To be clear... those same military personnel that would question dropping bombs on US citizens wouldn't think twice about dropping them on invading troops. Even if they were wearing pretty blue helmets.
The UN may deploy troops but China won’t. They’ve already take. what they wanted and have made it abundantly clear, as have the Russians, that they aren’t interested in pursuing empire.
Not enough of them. The difference between those that fight for the Dems and those that fight for freedom is, one is a terrorist, the other isn't. I come from Northern Ireland, born during the troubles, knows what terrorism actually is. I also know the oxymoronic nature of the second sentence, but, I also know the difference. For many one is close to the other. A freedom fighter is a terrorist. Sounds good, until you realize they fight freedom for their own tyrannical ends. I would like to think the majority of vets realize that difference, and as such, I expect our vets to be wary of such words and already be guarded against them, until a time of action is required.
You are defiantly right that we would have the majority but there is enough defectors to make any fight that would happen hell on earth. There are simply too many brainwashed people, I believe we would win in the end as we have the numbers and the spirit, but at a horrible cost.
"The military is the only way" is more ambiguous than people are comfortable considering. Did Q specify WHICH military? The active? The reserve? ...the retired that basically by default make up the militia?
If it's the latter, the snowflakes won't just melt, they'll be evaporated. The further down that path, the less controlled and disciplined. Whoever it is, the more professional the army, the better it will be for them when being taken into custody.
I think that is disinformation, the military being the only way. You must know by now that the DoD partnered with Fauci to create the bioweapon. What’s real is that “the people have the power,” and “we forgot how to play.” President Trump just told us, he’s not the savior. There is no superhero coming to save us.
It’s only when at the precipice do they have the will to change. Who was Q referring to and if you think that doesn’t include you posting from your comfy bunker, well….people are stupid. We have to rise up and start working to change the grip of the marxist deep state cabal upon America.
There are 17 million veterans in the US.
Those veterans + the 2nd amendment are the only thing standing between the world and tyranny.
17 you say?
And just because we aren't all "Oath Takers" doesn't mean that we don't take our Oath's VERY seriously.
Why do you think they now employ 5th gen warfare (psychological, disinformation, censorship, social media, etc)? It's because they have ran simulation after simulation, and every single time they push righteous gun-owning people over the edge in America, they lose to 4th generation warfare (guerilla warfare, controlling food/crops, controlling critical transport routes, etc). The Cabal can fully control their slave cities, but if things get really bad and 4th gen warfare kicks off, their cities will eat themselves in a matter of months.
Exactly. I've said this 3-4 times in posts here. No military, even one as strong as the USA, can win a war without a supply chain. If you are waging war on the guy that welds the tank, grows the food, fixes the plumbing, etc, etc... There is no supply chain.
When the food stores run out... when the ammo bunker runs dry... when the fuel depot runs empty... there is no replacements. No one is going to fix the tank that broke down or got damaged. There are no more replacement parts. You shot/blew up the guy that makes those parts or drives the truck to get them base, etc... in the first months of fighting.
Now what? 2 months? 3? Maybe 6 months into that fight its all gone... all dried up. Now its just the 500k-2mil of you with your rifles in your hands fighting 15-30 million US civilians and you just spent 6 months using tanks and belt fed machine guns and dropping bombs on them from planes... killing a few million of their friends, neighbors, brothers, fathers, uncles. They won't be kind.
There is nowhere to hide... nowhere to run to... good luck with that.
I'm sure china and the un will send assistance. It wont be pretty for sure.lotta low intensity bombs and assassination but in the end the American way will prevail
That's the beauty of it though. The moment they deploy any troops from a foreign country it will not only wake up millions more US citizens that have been sitting on the sidelines but it will also cause military personnel to question why they are following orders in the first place.
And that's the real key to all of this... can you really get the military to go along with it. Can they really get an F-15 pilot that is just an Air Force reservist to drop four 500lbs JDAM on US soil on civilians who have fortified some town and are 10k strong armed to the teeth so a conventional on the ground attack/police action is nearly impossible.
I'm sure they can find a handful of men who will, but I'm talking about the bulk of them... I'm talking about the 10k pilots you would need to fight a full on civil war. They would be dropping bombs on their brothers, nephews, cousins, brother-in-law etc, etc... Those men are going to need motivation greater than just being ordered to do it by a general or Nancy Pelosi. Its just not going to happen.
They know its not. If they thought for one millisecond the military would follow those orders we would already be in a civil war. These people are obsessed with power. It they thought they could seize it that way they would already have done it.
EDIT - To be clear... those same military personnel that would question dropping bombs on US citizens wouldn't think twice about dropping them on invading troops. Even if they were wearing pretty blue helmets.
The UN may deploy troops but China won’t. They’ve already take. what they wanted and have made it abundantly clear, as have the Russians, that they aren’t interested in pursuing empire.
Empire only gets the ruler conquered.
Logistician vet here, it boggles my mind how much higher ups and those in command completely underestimate and/or undervalue logistics at any level.
A lot of those vets are dems and will fight for the deep state. Not the majority but a lot of them.
Not enough of them. The difference between those that fight for the Dems and those that fight for freedom is, one is a terrorist, the other isn't. I come from Northern Ireland, born during the troubles, knows what terrorism actually is. I also know the oxymoronic nature of the second sentence, but, I also know the difference. For many one is close to the other. A freedom fighter is a terrorist. Sounds good, until you realize they fight freedom for their own tyrannical ends. I would like to think the majority of vets realize that difference, and as such, I expect our vets to be wary of such words and already be guarded against them, until a time of action is required.
You are defiantly right that we would have the majority but there is enough defectors to make any fight that would happen hell on earth. There are simply too many brainwashed people, I believe we would win in the end as we have the numbers and the spirit, but at a horrible cost.
With that being said I do agree with you.
"The military is the only way" is more ambiguous than people are comfortable considering. Did Q specify WHICH military? The active? The reserve? ...the retired that basically by default make up the militia?
If it's the latter, the snowflakes won't just melt, they'll be evaporated. The further down that path, the less controlled and disciplined. Whoever it is, the more professional the army, the better it will be for them when being taken into custody.
I think that is disinformation, the military being the only way. You must know by now that the DoD partnered with Fauci to create the bioweapon. What’s real is that “the people have the power,” and “we forgot how to play.” President Trump just told us, he’s not the savior. There is no superhero coming to save us.
It’s only when at the precipice do they have the will to change. Who was Q referring to and if you think that doesn’t include you posting from your comfy bunker, well….people are stupid. We have to rise up and start working to change the grip of the marxist deep state cabal upon America.