this is fantastic info. but man...Q has to write things like "what is x" because its public and he cant just lay things all out & it has to be cryptic and all that, but when its normal citizens creating docs that are supposed to be helpful & informative, it is infuriating to have so many "what is x" about particularly specific and scientific things the average person doesnt know about. like dude I'm here reading your doc bc I thought you were going to tell me.
If this is new to you, you may be interested in this read (Parasite Pill):
this is fantastic info. but man...Q has to write things like "what is x" because its public and he cant just lay things all out & it has to be cryptic and all that, but when its normal citizens creating docs that are supposed to be helpful & informative, it is infuriating to have so many "what is x" about particularly specific and scientific things the average person doesnt know about. like dude I'm here reading your doc bc I thought you were going to tell me.
I agree, the style of writing is extremely bad. Comes across super edgy, why not just inform in clear sentences.