OK! Time for a new site wide rule! From now on, ALL memes sauced from the MSM (CNN, NYT, MSDNC, etc.) must, repeat, MUST now include the Nicholas Cage "YA DON'T SAY?" PNG overlay, as shown in this example. Because, HOLY $#!+SNACKS, we TOLD YOU SO!!! (PNG overlay in top comment). #CNNSUCKS
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#Point of clarification:
When you write "Holy flaming balls is their narrative on fire!!!" you don't mean as in
"boy, I'm on fire tonight!!!" (aka wildly winning)
but rather "on fire" as in:
burning up and shrivelling to a cinder (crisp) - the very opposite of winning.
Just wanted to make that clear for everyone out there.
You know, cos they are on fire like the Towering Inferno was on fire, not like Evel Knievel Jumping the Grand Canyon was on fire.
~ had to be said.