This thread is causing anguish to some while resonating with a lot more people.
I humbly request people who want to respond to this to read this fully.
I will start off saying that while OP (u/GoingCamaro) raises very valid point about this movement being a worldwide movement and when the Awakening happens a lot of people will be in deep shock because their world view is black and white just like a lot of normies.
However, I do believe this post would have better resonated with everyone if it acknowledged and empathised with the fact that white people have been targeted and demonised and "racism" has been weaponised for way too long.
I also believe that those people getting triggered by this post are not necessarily racist. Infact, I would go so far as to say most are not racists. I think the real triggering aspect is the fact that the entire mainstream has been against them for so long and this post happens to call out white people wanting to isolate themselves very specifically.
OP has pointed out very well that a lot of problems such as higher crime rate in ethnic communities are actually caused by the Cabal and these communities are in fact victims of the Cabal as well. I agree with this wholeheartedly. We have to always see who the real enemy is, and the tools used by enemy are not our enemy. They are our brothers and sisters who hopefully will Awaken soon.
However, OP specifically called out white people wanting to isolate themselves into their own community, equating it to racism - without similarly acknowledging that this is caused by the Cabal as well, and they are as much the victims of Cabal's divide and conquer as the ethnic communities we talked about before. I think this was a great omission causing a lot of heartache.
As a person of color who has experienced racism in 3 continents myself, I have no hesitation in saying racism is much like "Qanon" a divisive term coined by the media that serves no real purpose.
What most people refer to as "racism" is actually "racial prejudice" - and it's a very natural thing, because we evolved as tribal beings. Most of the times just being exposed to interactions with members of different "races" is enough to take away the prejudices. Some prejudices cannot be helped. I myself has prejudices against my own race and I work hard to ensure I don't perpetuate the very same myself.
Does racial prejudice justify anyone from hurting any person based on their skin color? Absolutely not. However, is it a crime to think of different set of people differently? No, it's natural and is reflected by the sum total of our experiences. I always keep wishing that people of my own race behave themselves better setting up a better stereotype as more people interact with them.
Also, let me be clear - I respect the choices of any people wanting to isolate themselves, its part of freedom of expression, as long as they dont hurt or needlessly allow others to be hurt. I would love them the same as I love any other human being in this world, and I understand why sometimes communities thrive when there is a common cultural foundation.
I guarantee that most people who want to isolate themselves would actually prefer to be with others who share their world views regardless of their skin color, especially post Awakening, once the divisive effects of the Cabal is removed from the equation.
I sincerely thank GoingCamaro for creating that thread and appreciate their intention, even though the execution could have been better ;)
I am going to lock that thread since I think it has run its course.
The whole racism debate is nonsense. The vast majority of people do not hate others due to their race, they simple desire to live amongst their own people and resent not having a safe haven of their own. This is why immigrants form enclosed no-go-zones in the cities and the natives flock together to form homogeneous suburban communities. They don’t hate each other, they just don’t want to live together.
I agree. Even in the migrant community, there is always a decent amount of people who dont really care for their own culture so much, but get guilted into it by the rest of the community. They dont feel comfortable living on their own, but get misguided by their community elders for various reasons, not always malicious. The number of people who have told me that they find their own community toxic and complain about it, but abhorr at the idea of cutting them loose.
This is not even limited to just ethnic groups. I have heard the same thing from a couple of my gay friends. Infact, one of them felt so depressed and so targeted by his community that he went into depression and had to move across the coast to start healing.
At the end of the day, we’re all animals who don’t want to leave the pack. After what you’ve just said, it occurred to me that we don’t like others leaving the pack either. We must remember that we haven’t evolved since the tribal era. When someone leaves the tribe, it thins our numbers out, therefore decreasing our chances of survival. This is likely why we dislike people leaving us for the ‘other’ group. It is difficult to transcend these things, they’re hardwired into our minds. I think we as a species should acknowledge that and work towards a genuine solution.
Personally, I find Christianity to be so appealing as a unifier, because it extends the ‘pack’ across the lines of ethnicity and class, and its philosophy doesn’t require an ‘us and them’ mentality.
I don’t think they necessarily don’t want to live together. But I think when you’re in a foreign place and maybe don’t speak the language so well, don’t know the customs or the lay of the land, you just automatically look for people of the same ethnicity to show you the way. You want to find the foods you’re used to eating etc etc. The second generations don’t have a hard time mingling with other races as much and I hypothesize it’s due to better language skillls and assimilation through the school system.
And that's fine except for "no-go" zones.