I don't turn my back on my vaxxed friends, and why should I, 75% of them are vaxxed. 100% of my family is vaxxed.
Divided we are weak.
It is We the people VS Darkness
But I get what you're saying. I started a new job on october, 30% of people are not vaccinated, it is obvious how i can speak to them about the stuff hidden in plain sight. It feels even natural, cause I know they didn't get the shot so i know that they know something is not right. At this point, people who are not vaccinated ARE awake, it's just the very beginning of their awakening.
It is Harsh and is meant to be...In my experience, trying to inform people/friends/family...push them in the right direction and just give them facts Just to have a look at Doesn't work...I Always stressed that its NOT my facts and that they can see with a 5-minute search on https://vaers.hhs.gov/ that something is not right...They still can't/don't see...What do you do? It is what it is...
Have you not been following Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? It seems to very closely describe what we are seeing around us today. According to Dr. Desmet, these people are literally hypnotized, and no one has a great answer for how to break the hypnosis.
Facts can NOT break the trance although they may prevent people from going even deeper into the trance.
If you listen to Dr. Desmet, he explains that the mass hypnosis was formed by a series of circumstances of which high anxiety and lack of social connection were very important. Then the group attaches its anxiety to a particular focus, and it becomes entranced and no longer is able to think rationally in the area being focussed on.
In our culture we have seen years of high anxiety and increasing lack of social connection, so many people have attached their anxiety to C19 and have looked to the government solutions as a way to eliminate their anxiety. Because their desire to rid themselves of anxiety is so great, they are unable to hear any other solution than what the government has proposed.
It strikes me that some (and those proposing ideas like the ones in your initial post fall into this category) who escaped the mass formation around C19 may be getting ensnared in a secondary mass formation. Rather than attaching anxiety to C19, they attach their anxiety to the vaxxed and those who go along with the government 'solutions'.
If this is hypothesis is true, then this group is in real danger of becoming just as entranced as those they fear. The two groups will have attached their anxiety to different objects, C19 or 'the vaxxed', but their hopes of ridding themselves of their anxiety are both poorly placed. Eliminating these groups will NOT get rid of the anxiety because these groups are not the cause.
Rather than risk getting entranced, I would like to suggest two things:
Recognize that the old normal is gone. It died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. Regardless of what happens moving forward, those days are never coming back.
Focus on building the new normal. We are currently at a crossroad. Our normal way of life has been destroyed by the psychopaths who created and released the virus and then imposed the bizarre measures which dismantled the old way of doing things. What will this new normal look like? How can we make it exceptionally good?
That is Dr. Desmet's answer but it has been pointed out that this solution risks being again manipulated into another mass formation.
I think that Rev. Sheen's presentation of Dostoyevski's solution is much more wholesome, but I fear that we have a long way to go before we receive such grace and freedom: https://youtu.be/K8qqZup3Bg4
You need to recognize that the "old normal" died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. This can only mean that there MUST be a new normal.
The question is what will that new normal look like. The globalists have already explained what their new normal will be like: you will own nothing and you will like it.
However, that does not have to be the new normal that comes to pass. We can make it better than what we had previously in our lifetimes. Hopefully we will prevail.
This post is harsh.
I don't turn my back on my vaxxed friends, and why should I, 75% of them are vaxxed. 100% of my family is vaxxed.
Divided we are weak. It is We the people VS Darkness
But I get what you're saying. I started a new job on october, 30% of people are not vaccinated, it is obvious how i can speak to them about the stuff hidden in plain sight. It feels even natural, cause I know they didn't get the shot so i know that they know something is not right. At this point, people who are not vaccinated ARE awake, it's just the very beginning of their awakening.
It is Harsh and is meant to be...In my experience, trying to inform people/friends/family...push them in the right direction and just give them facts Just to have a look at Doesn't work...I Always stressed that its NOT my facts and that they can see with a 5-minute search on https://vaers.hhs.gov/ that something is not right...They still can't/don't see...What do you do? It is what it is...
Have you not been following Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? It seems to very closely describe what we are seeing around us today. According to Dr. Desmet, these people are literally hypnotized, and no one has a great answer for how to break the hypnosis.
Facts can NOT break the trance although they may prevent people from going even deeper into the trance.
If you listen to Dr. Desmet, he explains that the mass hypnosis was formed by a series of circumstances of which high anxiety and lack of social connection were very important. Then the group attaches its anxiety to a particular focus, and it becomes entranced and no longer is able to think rationally in the area being focussed on.
In our culture we have seen years of high anxiety and increasing lack of social connection, so many people have attached their anxiety to C19 and have looked to the government solutions as a way to eliminate their anxiety. Because their desire to rid themselves of anxiety is so great, they are unable to hear any other solution than what the government has proposed.
It strikes me that some (and those proposing ideas like the ones in your initial post fall into this category) who escaped the mass formation around C19 may be getting ensnared in a secondary mass formation. Rather than attaching anxiety to C19, they attach their anxiety to the vaxxed and those who go along with the government 'solutions'.
If this is hypothesis is true, then this group is in real danger of becoming just as entranced as those they fear. The two groups will have attached their anxiety to different objects, C19 or 'the vaxxed', but their hopes of ridding themselves of their anxiety are both poorly placed. Eliminating these groups will NOT get rid of the anxiety because these groups are not the cause.
Rather than risk getting entranced, I would like to suggest two things:
Recognize that the old normal is gone. It died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. Regardless of what happens moving forward, those days are never coming back.
Focus on building the new normal. We are currently at a crossroad. Our normal way of life has been destroyed by the psychopaths who created and released the virus and then imposed the bizarre measures which dismantled the old way of doing things. What will this new normal look like? How can we make it exceptionally good?
"...and no one has a great answer for how to break the hypnosis."
You have to find something they fear greater than the fear that keeps them locked in their hypnosis.
That is Dr. Desmet's answer but it has been pointed out that this solution risks being again manipulated into another mass formation.
I think that Rev. Sheen's presentation of Dostoyevski's solution is much more wholesome, but I fear that we have a long way to go before we receive such grace and freedom: https://youtu.be/K8qqZup3Bg4
You need to recognize that the "old normal" died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. This can only mean that there MUST be a new normal.
The question is what will that new normal look like. The globalists have already explained what their new normal will be like: you will own nothing and you will like it.
However, that does not have to be the new normal that comes to pass. We can make it better than what we had previously in our lifetimes. Hopefully we will prevail.