Ted Cruz's recent "coming out as a RINO party" was instructive. What did Q say? FOLLOW THE WIVES. Where does Ted's wife work? Goldman Sachs—the GOLD STANDARD when it comes to deep state flacks. What did we learn? There are no white hats/black hats in DC. THERE IS ONLY 'LEVERAGE.'

Remember when Trump brought up Heidi on the campaign trail and Lyin Ted at first tried to use it against him, then ultimately dropped out of the race due to the threat from Trump to expose his wife.
Most would assume Trump was going to bring up her work under Bush Jr at the CFR. Heidi Cruz literally drafted the initial designs for the Amero, a new currency to be used by the N.A. Union in the future.
But, I would wager whatever Lyin Ted thought Trump might expose, it was 100x worse than Heidi working for the CFR.
Also, didnt Trump bring up someone's father as involved in JFK assassination? Was it Ted Cruz's? I vaguely remember that.
Ted’s dad was Cuban. He was sponsored by GHWB. Paid for his education, etc. That’s sufficient evidence of DS influence for me. The whole eligibility question (Barry wasn’t, so how many intelligible presidents would we get?) disqualified him to me.
I can carry that line far further back.
Ted Cruz is a Senator for the same district GHWB lived. Not random chance a “Conservative” holds office in a Blue Area.
GHWB was tied into LBJ at the hip. LBJ, Allen Dulles, GHWB - huge power block in 1960s. Cruz Dad is tied to capital finance for many Paramilitary Entities tied to the Bay of Pigs and Allen Dulles. These guys were seriously trying to topple JFK from the day of the Bay of Pigs with a “Us or Them” Mentality. Remember - Allen Dulles literally Greenlit the Cuban Operation without JFK knowing. JFK repeatedly told others, like the President of France, “The CIA & Allen Dulles have gone rogue %100. I fear that if I fire him he will just operate from the shadows. Thing is - he is already committed to doing that now.”
Please also keep in mind that GHWB had a cardiologist here in Houston that was literally assassinated after GHWB said too much while loopy w senility. The Cardiologist was biking home and another bicycle pulled up behind him, shot him, jumped a fence to a waiting getaway car. They screwed up and didn’t account for a City Bus that caught this on camera. Catch is - this was literally an assassination method GHWB pioneered in Chile when the CIA / Allen Dulles / Kissinger / William Casey / Nixon decided to do a coup de etat and install Pinochet for some rad helicopter rides.
Edit: I verified the cardiologist thing first hand. Nobody would even ghost-write the story. Nobody would go on as a source. I honestly can’t even go into more detail about what happened without dishonoring what I was told so please don’t ask.
Another note - JFK was supposed to be killed the night before Dallas here in Houston as he arrived at the Rice Hotel. The original plan was pretty similar to what happened to RFK when they had a MKULTRA ( no, seriously ) Sirhan Sirhan jump out thinking he was at a shooting range while a Lockheed Contractor hired by Hughes Aerospace named Thane Eugene Cesar actually did the shooting,
I believe it. Amazing.
Yes!Yes!Yes! Bravo.
His father was also photographed hanging out with the assassin.
Sorry if I missed that in the above posts. I did read them but it's 4am and I just got done watching a token chart for 3 hours straight.
As far as Ted is concerned, the 🍎 didn’t fall far from the 🌳
After 2020, and 2021, I believe anything is possible and don't dismiss anything at first glance.
Remember that "conspiracy theorist" Buzz Aldrin clocked years ago (first 10 seconds of this video)? If nothing else, the evidence is compelling.
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Yes, there are pics out there purportedly of Raphael Cruz handing out propaganda leaflets with Oswald, which was a deep state operation.
I know Anons are eagerly waiting for the 9/11 declas, but damn, full JFK decal would be sweeeeeeet
For sure. That's the big event that really kicked off the deep state's reign of terror on us. Check out Mae Brussel's material for she figured out so much about the assassination just as a citizen journalist before the internet!
Two more weeks to flatten the curve of the magic bullet
Wasn't Cruz the other Presidential Candidate FISA Gate was about? Why would Obama & Cronies go to the effort if Cruz was a controlled plant? And you really think Trump was in a position to (as in, the WORLD was Awakened enough) to expose Clown World in early 2016?
LOL...when I see post like this. I think of secret tribunals and all sorts of bull shit that is posted to discredit good ideas. not saying that you are doing it but it sure shows up a lot when someone posts interesting speculation od facts.
Twice now. Separate accts.
You got to love the gitmo fear p*** and clones sliding that happens everyday. I knew about JFK 911 Pizza gate Vegas shooter without following q and it was the people constantly posting videos about clones and secret tribunals at gitmo that kept me far away from the scene. This movement would have 10 times more normies involved and be recruiting so much faster if you could stop with the retards on YouTube making constant videos about gitmo tribunals and clones. I completely believe the governments of the world are evil and working towards a satanic new world order however what I mentioned above has always made me question the Q movement. The Earth being flat is more believable than every single important person on earth is a clone because they've already been executed theory so widely held within the anon community.
I don't talk about Q when I talk about Q stuff because it is counterproductive a lot of times. Best to bring up facts and ask the person what they think. Say Q and the only one listening to you is a person that has your own views.