posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +16 / -1

Requesting some help and input from pedes.

This tasty little tidbit of [dis?]information is doing the rounds here in the Australian Truth & Freedom movement.

FWIW, I saw this many months ago, probably here on GAWin.

I have responded to a number of people sharing this content (and to one large group with 60,000+ subscribers who actually posted it, where people are picking it up from). See my comment below.

Question: how do anons think about this? Propaganda / disinformation? Or am I wrong? (Gray propaganda just grates my grits. It's fricken hard enough to get the truth out there to people, but disinfo and other rubbish just muddies the water and screws with a lot of people who are just waking up and who are actually trying to find truth.)

The US Supreme Court ruled that vaccinated people around the world are now "products", or patented goods, and are no longer human under US law.

By vaccinating with modified DNA or RNA, a person ceases to be a human and becomes the property of the patentee of the mRNA vaccine. Their genome is no longer human, but "trans-human", a category that does not exist in human rights.

The characteristics of the natural man and all rights that result from them are lost. This applies to the whole world.

SOURCE of this decision of the US Supreme Court in PDF:


Being a patented entity also means the Human Rights Act, nor State Rights, no longer apply to you as you're effectively 'trans-human'.

My comments in response:

I saw this earlier last year, making the rounds on various platforms.

I noticed a few things:

*1. Extremely confronting and aggressively charged assertion, with high level of shock factor.

*2. Misleading and inaccurate statements as if fact (e.g. The Supreme court did NOT "rule that vaccinated people around the world are now "products". This is a deceptive fabrication.)

*3. Text structures designed to mislead, trigger and agitate emotional states. (ruled ... that now)

Let's break this down:

(1. My disinformation / propaganda alarm bells are usually always triggered when coming across assertions that either induce fear, shock or anxiety. I know very well the destructive affect such information / presentations can have, and I'm always wary of them.

(2. One tactic that is consistently used (almost as if the producers of such content were trained at the same school!) is to twist facts and offer inaccurate information as if accurate. At the BEST, the possible assertions here are that this previous ruling by the US SC with regards to genetic modification implies that people with genetic modification may fall under the jurisdiction of this decision. But that's an interpretation, and certainly NOT a legal one.

(3. "ruled that ... are now... products" directly implies that the SC made some ruling just recently that has changed the status quo, which is a fabrication. But that's the implication, right? Do you see how deceptive this is? It's plain dishonest.

This is how shysters and con artists work. They deceive by twisting information, mixing fact and fiction, but always with the motive of manipulating you, the target.

So, relevant questions here are:

What is the source of this 'information' (WHO is making these assertions? What are their credentials? How credible are they?)

What is this 'information' intended to achieve? How does it affect me? What does it do to a) my thoughts processes? b) my emotions? c) my potential for action, inaction or reaction?

Final comment: I've become somewhat disappointed and concerned about the current behavior of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (group). Either they have become intoxicated by the information ocean (unable to process information properly, and therefore are acting in an irresponsible and somewhat destructive manner) or they have revealed themselves as agent provocateurs to undermine the awakening and action of the Australian people.

I believe it is the first, but it still makes me unhappy. I feel quite strongly about the impacts of disinformation and click-bait type nonsense. Primarily because I feel rather acutely the emotional, psychological and spiritual anguish that our people (Australians) are going through, not just here but around the world.

When I commented on this to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, their/his response was: Hey, do your own due diligence. We don't expect everyone to believe this (aka its not our responsibility to vet the information we come across and push out to our subscriber base).

I personally think that is irresponsible. Detrimental at a minimum, potentially quite destructive. Maybe I'm over-reacting, because of how strongly I feel about disinformation, but I guess that's just how I see it.

I mean, if you are sharing one on one, etc, aren't you still responsible for what you choose to share and how? Then even more so when you have 60,000 subscribers taking their cues from you?
